as the initial bearing to the waypoint. A “N” shows to help you see which
direction is north when either the track-up or course-up mode is on.
In the north-up view shown at
right, we’re travelling southeast.
In this view, the present position
indicator appears to move to-
wards the lower right side of the
In the track-up view, the present
position moves straight towards
the top of the display. Remem-
ber, in the track-up mode, the
screen rotates as you change di-
rection. It always keeps your di-
rection of travel (track) heading
towards the top of the screen.
In the course-up mode, the
screen is locked into your origi-
nal bearing to the recalled
waypoint, regardless of your
To select the desired mode, first
press the MENU key, then select
“Map Orientation”, then select the
desired mode. Press the EXIT
key to erase this menu.