Recording - On screen Messages
Recording - On screen Messages
• ALARM: Displays the current Alarm Configuration for all channels. In the above image, 1
indicates that Channel 1 is in ALARM, Channel 2 is NOT Configured for Alarm mode, and
Channels 3 and 4 are NOT in ALARM mode.
• USED/SIZE: Displays the amount of Hard Drive space used, and the Total Hard Drive space
• KEY IS LOCKED - ENTER PASSWORD: Indicates that the system is LOCKED mode
(Configured through the MENU). A Password must be entered to Continue
CH1-CH4: Indicates that the channel is currently in Recording mode
• E-REC: Indicates that the DVR is recording in EACH recording mode. Q-REC indicates the
DVR is in QUAD recording mode.
• 0% - 100% / [M]: Shows the amount of Hard Drive space being used on the indicated Hard
Drive, where [M] is Master Hard Drive and [S] is Slave Hard Drive
• [B]: Indicates the Recording Mode Type, where [B] is Manual Recording Mode, [T] is Scheduled
Recording, [S] is Sensor Recording and [M] is Motion Recording
• The Password is still required to stop the recording even if disabled through the
If the DVR loses power while in Recording Mode, the system will resume Recording once the
power is restored.