Sun. Water.
Kroegerskoppel 7, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany, Tel. +49 (0) 4193 7548 - 0, Fax - 29,
All specifi cations and information are given with good intent, errors are possible and products may be subject to change without notice. Pictures may
differ from actual products depending on local market requirements and regulations.
6 the maximum operating frequency
The maximum operating frequency has to be set correctly in
order not to overload the motor or the controller. Please refer to
your COMPASS sizing report to determine the maximum value
for PR 13.
This value can be found in the data table “system character-
istic” in row “frequency”. Please use the value from the right
column named “Max./STC”
Set PR13 (rated frequency) according to the pump motor
specifications; observe the maximum operating fre-
quency given in the COMPASS sizing of your application.
7 confirm the motor wiring
(correct rotating direction)
A centrifugal pump only produces its designed flow rate, when
it is rotating in the correct direction (counter-clockwise, viewed
from the top). To find out, which wiring of the motor phases
matches the correct direction while the pump is installed, the
flow rate of both rotating directions must be compared.
For successful testing, there must be sufficient power present
from the PV generator. Thus, it is advisable to choose a sunny
day for this test.
The PSk controller must be configured to “Manual Start
and Stop” (PR 11 = ”0”); a medium rotation speed must be
configured, to ensure a sufficient flow rate for comparison
(PR 12 = ”30.00”).
In some cases, e.g. when the pump operates at very high head,
a higher operating frequency has to be chosen for testing. Also
the time span, until any water reaches the outlet of the pipe,
will be longer.
To change the rotating direction of the motor, disconnect the
controller from the solar power supply by switching the DC
circuit breaker to position “OFF”. Wait until the capacitor inside
the controller has discharged (numeric display extinguishes) and
disconnect the motor plug. Now interchange the wiring of any
two phases of the three motor phases to reverse the rotating
direction. Reconnect the motor plug and switch on the power
supply again.
For both rotating directions, observe the flow rate at the pipe
outlet and choose the motor wiring with the bigger flow rate
for permanent operation. The difference will be clearly visible
without measuring.
Set parameter “PR 11” to value “0”
Set parameter “PR 12” to value “30.00”
Press the
key to start the pump and
observe the water yield from the outlet
Press the
key to stop the pump
Disconnect the controller from power supply, i.e.
switch off the circuit breaker.
Reverse the rotating direction by interchanging
the wiring of two of the three motor phases
Connect the DC power again
Press the
key to start the pump and ob-
serve the water yield from the outlet again.
Press the
key to stop the pump
Disconnect the controller from power supply and
choose the motor wiring with the bigger water
yield according to the observations.
8 minimum operating frequency
Depending on the static head the pump system has to over-
come, it needs a certain minimum operating frequency to pro-
duce any water yield at the outlet. To protect the pump system
from running without pumping any water to the surface, the
minimum operating frequency has to be figured out by testing.
The minimum operating frequnecy is determined by the param-
eter “PR 14” (“stopping frequency”). If the solar power input is
getting less and the operating frequency drops below the value
stored in “PR 14”, the controller will shut down the pump. The
same case occurs in the morning; the pump will only be oper-
ated when it can exceed the minimum operation speed.
The controller should still be configured to “Manual Start
and Stop” from the previous step. To figure out the minimum
frequency, set the reference frequency “PR 12” to value “10”.
This value ensures, that the pump is operating at a low speed;
not producing any flow.
Press the
key to start the pump; it should run now at
10.00 Hz. Observe the effluent from the pump outlet and in-
crease the frequency slowly by pressing
. Press
decrease the frequency if necessary. Increase the frequency until
water reaches the surface, or respectively a desired minimum
flow rate is reached.
The controller is showing the current operating frequency on the
display. Write down this value of miminum operating frequency
(f0) and stop the pump by pressing
Set the the parameter for the shutdown frequency (PR 14) ac-
cording to the determined minimum operating frequency f0.
The pump will now only run, when there is sufficient power to
exceed the minimum operating frequency.
Set PR 12 to 10.00.
key and observe the effluent of the
water outlet
If there is no effluent from the outlet, press
key to slowly increase the output frequency
If there is effluent from the pump, record the
operating frequency f0.
Set PR 14 to f0 (shutdown frequency).