E 15
MODBUS TCP communication
For /BUS model, the address are shifted by [1000 x bus address].
For example:
The register addresses for the master module (address 0) range from 0 ($ 0000) to 134 ($ 0086).
A module with a bus address = 5, have measures registers reachable from 5000 ($1388 hexa) to 5134($140E)
1) Feature
Ethernet 10/ 100 base T
IP address by default:
Read request:
Function code 03, 04
Write request:
Function code 06, 16
Type of data:
Inputs measurements.
data format:
16 bits and 32 bits unsigned integer.
2) Communication
Measures are refreshed every 2 seconds.
The CPL165 supports to be questioned by several Modbus TCP masters (maximum 6).
The response time to a request is about 20ms, it is strongly influenced according to the network traffic. Excessive load
can cause communication errors (response time of the slave exceeded (timeout), ....).
The response time for a write request is in the order of 0.6 s and up to 1.2 s. This is due to the mechanism for reading
BUS devices: The master continuously polls the present BUS modules. As the write request is inserted between two
readings, so you have more time to finish reading, proceed the writing, wait and return the BUS module acknowledg-
Data’s description
3.1) Available data's
All measures are reachable in reading mode. Data are available in different formats:
- 1 word or 2 bytes for voltage, current, phi cosines (power factor) measurements.
- 2 word or 4 bytes for power measurements and energy meters.
Data’s format
- The voltages are transmitted in 16 bits unsigned integer format corresponding to the measurement * 10.
- The currents are transmitted in 16 bits unsigned integer format corresponding to the measurement * 100.
- The phi cosines are transmitted in 16 bits unsigned integer format corresponding to the measurement * 100.
- The powers are transmitted in 32 bits unsigned integer format corresponding to the measurement in W * 100.
- The energies are transmitted in 32 bits unsigned integer format corresponding to the measurement in kWh * 100.
Data are transmitted Most Significant Byte first.
4) Reset of the energy meters
The reset of the energy meters is done by writing 1, 2 or 3 registers at address 300, 301 or 302.
The register at address 300 corresponds to phase 1, 301 to phase 2 and 302 to phase 3.
The value of the register corresponds to the different channels "A-F" to clear:
- Bit 0 (LSB) corresponds to channel A, bit 1 to channel B, up to bit 5 witch corresponds to channel F.
- To clear a counter, set the corresponding bit to 1.
If you want to reset the counters W1A, W2B, W3C, so you writes 0001 at address 300, 0002 at 301, 0004 at 302.