User Manual
ESD: Electrostatic Discharge is the sudden flow of electricity that can occur between two charged
objects of different potential that come in contact or in close proximity of each other. Static electricity is a
common source of ESD.
Event-Based Sampling: a mode of operation in which the node sampling is started when a sensor
measurement value (threshold) is achieved
Firmware: the code that is programmed onto a microcontroller or similar device in an embedded
system. It includes device operation commands, conditions, memory allocation, and many other tasks.
Gateway: The gateway is a transceiver that attaches to the host computer and provides
communication between the software and the node(s). It is also known as a base station.
Host (computer): The host computer is the computer that orchestrates command and control of the
attached devices or networks.
LED: Light Emitting Diode is an indicator light that is used in electronic equipment.
LOS (Line of Sight): is used in radio communications to describe the ideal condition between
transmitting and receiving antennas in a radio network. As stated it means the antennae are in view of
each other with no obstructions.
LXRS: Lossless Extended
is the
proprietary LORD
communications protocol used in the wireless sensor network.
Node: The node is the wireless transceiver to which the sensor (s) is connected, providing
communication with the gateway. The G-Link
, V-Link
, and SG-Link
examples of nodes manufactured by LORD MicroStrain
Node Tester Board: The node tester board is a device designed by LORD MicroStrain
that can be
plugged into nodes to test their functionality.
Offset: When describing a mathematically-linear relationship, the offset is the value where the line that
represents the relationship in a graph crosses the
y-axis. The equation of a straight line is: y = mx+b,
x is the x-axis coordinate, y is the y-axis coordinate, m is the slope and b is the offset.
Oversampling: In signal processing, oversampling is a technique used to achieve increased signal
resolution and better noise immunity by recording readings at a higher frequency than the output of the
device being measured. In analog-to-digital conversion, the higher the oversampling rate, the better
the recreated analog signal.
Packet: unit of sampled data