Dynamic DNS Settings
The Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) is a method to keep a web domain name, or web address, linked
to a changing IP address as most Internet Providers do not provide static IP addresses.
To use DDNS, you must first set up an account with a DDNS provider. The Router supports two of these
providers (TZO and DynDNS). Once the DDNS service has been set up and configured correctly on the Router,
the DDNS service will constantly track the IP address of your Internet connection. Each time your Internet
Provider changes your IP address, the Router will inform the DDNS service and the DDNS service will update
your new IP address. The DDNS web domain that you have chosen to use will then be updated to redirect to
your new Internet IP address.
The DDNS service makes it so you never have to check or
remember your Internet IP address. This feature is typically
used for users running servers, network cameras and other
devices that require remote access.
System Clock
Maintain the internal clock for the Router by syncing with your computer’s time or over the Internet. Your
system clock settings need to be accurate in order for logs and wireless access schedules to work correctly.
System Logs
The System Log is useful for viewing the activity and history of
your Router. The System Log is also used by Loopcomm
technicians to help troubleshoot your router when needed. It
is recommended that you enable all logs in the event that
troubleshooting is required.
All log entries will be deleted each time the Router reboots or is powered off.