Chapter 5 Terminal Operation IP6704A TDMoEthernet
Loop Telecommunication International, Inc.
E&M FPGA Reset
Command Path
Port Menu > (X) E&M FPGA Reset
To reset FPGA
Once presses
, the following screen will show up.
Reset - are you sure ? [Y/N]
You’ll be asked to put in the valid password.
==>> Enter password :
If invalid password is inserted, you will be asked if you want to try again.
>>Invalid input of password ! Try again ?[Y/N]
After putting the valid password, the following screen will appear.
Port C Q4W E&M === Controller Menu === 10:52:31 03/07/2014
F -> Log Off
O -> Log On
>>SPACE bar to refresh or enter a command ===>
Loop Telecom’s 1-channel RS232 / X.21 plug-in cards are for the mini slot of
Loop-IP6704A. It allows multiplexing of N x 64 Kbps data to multiples of DS0 time slots
onto a digital network.
Enter "P" to choose a port for X21 interface card.