Chapter VII Trouble shooting of mini tiller
i. Trouble shooting of clutch (note: never try to detach the clutch assembly by your self, if you find any of
the malfunctions marked with
in the table below, please contact our company or the distributor)
Clutch handle fails
Replace or repair clutch handle
Clutch cable is damaged
Replace clutch cable
Clutch fork is not adjusted adequately
Readjust clutch cable or replace clutch fork
Fork shaft falsl off from its welding
junction with arm seat
Replace or repair
Fork pin is broken of bent
Replace fork pin
Friction disk fails
Replace friction disk
Spring fails
Replace spring
Friction disk set can’t contact bearing
face inside the clutch housing
Insert one washer or more of appropriate
thickness behind the bearing
Clutch unable to engage and
Bearing inside clutch is burnt out
Replace bearing and if necessary, add oil into
transmission box
Spring fails because of fatigue
Replace spring
Fork shaft’s rotation is abnormal, or it
fails, causing uncompleted return of fork
Clean the junction surface between locating shaft
and pusher, to let rotation of fork shaft be easy
Skidding (when the operator firmly
grips clutch handle, engine runs
normally but transmission main shaft
rotates slowly or doesn’t rotate.
Clutch cable is adjusted inappropriately Readjust clutch cable