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Workshop Manual 12 LD _ cod. 1.5302.460 - 3° ed_ rev. 02
· The engine must not operate in places containing inflammable materials, in explosive atmospheres, where there is dust that can
easily catch fire unles specific, adequate and clearly indicated precautions have been taken and have been certified for the machine.
· To prevent fire hazards, always keep the machine at least one meter from buildings or from other machinery.
· Children and animals must be kept at a due distance from operating machines in order to prevent hazards deriving from
their operation.
· Fuel is inflammable.
The tank must only be filled when the engine is off.
Thoroughly dry any spilt fuel and move the fuel container away along with any rags soaked in fuel or oil.
Make sure that no soundproofing panels made of porous material are soaked in fuel or oil.
Make sure that the ground or floor on which the machine is standing has not soaked up any fuel or oil.
· Fully tighten the tank plug each time after refuelling.
Do not fill the tank right to the top but leave an adequate space for the fuel to expand.
· Fuel vapour is highly toxic.
Only refuel outdoors or in a well ventilated place.
· Do not smoke or use naked flames when refuelling.
· The engine must be started in compliance with the specific instructions in the operation manual of the engine and/or
machine itself.
Do not use auxiliary starting aids that were not installed on the original machine (e.g. Startpilot’).
· Before starting, remove any tools that were used to service the engine and/or machine.
Make sure that all guards have been refitted.
· During operation, the surface of the engine can become dangerously hot.
Avoid touching the exhaust system in particular.
· Before proceeding with any operation on the engine, stop it and allow it to cool.
Never carry out any operation whilst the engine is running.
· The coolant fluid circuit is under pressure.
Never carry out any inspections until the engine has cooled and even in this case, only open the radiator plug or
expansion chamber with the utmost caution, wearing protective garments and goggles. If there is an electric fan, do not
approach the engine whilst it is still hot as the fan could also start operating when the engine is at a standstill.
Only clean the coolant system when the engine is at a standstill.
· When cleaning the oil-cooled air filter, make sure that the old oil is disposed of in the correct way in order to safeguard
the environment.
The spongy filtering material in oil-cooled air filters must not be soaked in oil.
The reservoir of the separator pre-filter must not be filled with oil.
· The oil must be drained whilst the engine is hot (oil T ~ 80°C).
Particular care is required to prevent burns.
Do not allow the oil to come into contact with the skin.
· Make sure that the drained oil, the oil filter and the oil it contains are disposed of in the correct way in order to safeguard
the environment.
· Pay attention to the temperature of the oil filter when the filter itself is replaced.
· Only check, top up and change the coolant fluid when the engine is off and cold.
Take care to prevent fluids containing nitrites from being mixed with others that do not contain these substances since
"Nitrosamine", dangerous for the health, can form.
The coolant fluid is polluting and must therefore be disposed of in the correct way to safeguard the environment.
· During operations that involve access to moving parts of the engine and/or removal of rotating guards, disconnect and
insulate the positive wire of the battery to prevent accidental short-circuits and to stop the starter motor from being
· Only check belt tension when the engine is off.
· Only use the eyebolts installed by Lombardini to move the engine.
These lifting points are not suitable for the entire machine; in this case, the eyebolts installed by the manufacturer should
be used.
General remarks and safety information