3.4 Operation environment
Height above sea level
1000 M
Operation temperature range -10
Air relative humidity is below 90 %( 20°C)
Preferable site the machine some angles above the floor level, the maximum angle does not exceed
Protect the machine against heavy rain AND against direct sunshine.
The content of dust, acid, corrosive gas in the surrounding air or substance cannot exceed normal
Take care that there is sufficient ventilation during welding. There must be at least 30cm free
distance between the machine and wall.
3.5 Operation Notices
Read Section §1 carefully before starting to use this equipment.
Connect the ground wire with the machine directly.
Ensure that the input is three-phase: 50/60Hz, 380V±10%.
Before operation, none concerned people should not be around the working area and especially
children. Do not watch the arc in unprotected eyes.
Ensure good ventilation of the machine to improve Duty Cycle.
Turn off the engine when the operation finished for energy consumption efficiency.
When power switch shuts off pro tectively because of failure. Don’t restart it until problem is
resolved. Otherwise, the range of problem will be extended.
In case of problems, contact your local dealer if no authorized maintenance staff is available!
4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
4.1 Maintenance
In order to guarantee safe and proper operation of welding machines, they must be maintained
regularly. Let customers understand the maintenance procedure of welding machines. Enable
customers to carry on simple examination and inspections. Do your best to reduce the fault rate and
repair times of welding machines to lengthen service life of arc welding machine. Maintenance items
in detail are in the following table.
Warning: For safety while maintaining the machine, please shut off the main input power and
wait for 5 minutes, until capacitors voltage already drop to safe voltage 36V!