The pirouetting speed is set simply with the RUDDER limits on the TRANSMITTER, and DOES NOT affect
the mechanical limits you just did setup. The gyro stores the mechanics limits of the tail servo as you learned
him, and will not allow the servo to bind whatever your rudder input or rudder limits are from the
transmitter. Your inputs on the rudder stick are translated from the gyro as angular inputs, the bigger the
input is, the bigger angular movement youa re requesting to the gyro, which will act in the mechanical limits
that are stored in it”s memory. That is why, you can either decrease or increase the pirouette speed by
reducing / increasing the rudder limits in the transmitter or Dual rate. You can bring the tail more aggressive
or gentle with setting Expo or Inverted Expo on the rudder channel. Gain channel is ONLY used for gain
Congratulations! You just finished programming your LOGICTECH LTG 2100 GYRO
That said, good flights to all of you
Team E-Copter & Logictech