This function is used to select the type of servo connected to the gyroscope. We remind you that the servo should
NOT be plugged in at this moment. During setup, the selection will be made through the first 3 leds. The LED 1
indicate the use of a Matched Logictech Servo ( LTS 6100G, LTS 3100G). The 2 led indicates the use of a standard
digital servo. The 3 led indicates the usae of a standard analog servo.
Please note that some cheap so called digital servos can NOT work with Standard Digital Servo setup on the gyro
( you will hear your servo acting strangely). In that case, simply use the “ Standard analog servo setup.
Press the MENU button with rudder stick on neutral for a few seconds. Led will blink in front of “Servo Speed”
menu. Release the button. Do not wait too long before changing the values or the gyro will simply kick you out from
the “menu” routine and you will have to get back in by pressing the menu button.
Hold now the rudder stick full left and while keeping that position, press menu button. The top led ( in the 8 status
display led) shall move left if you are further than the first led. If not, simply put the rudder stick on the right and
when holding it full right, press menu. This manipulation will be same for all other values setup, it can happen that
when having the rudder stick left, the values go to right and vice-versa. That is fully norma as it depends if you use
the rudder function normal or reverse, and it depends of the Transmitter / receiver you are using
Choose the correct servo type .Please note that when choosing LTG matched gyro, if you later come back to the
servo speed menu, it will automatically bring you to the second led to avoid accidental frying of a standard servo if
you have one, but once setup on the LTG matched servo, just go to the others menu and the values will be saved. If
for example you miss the “Limits” setup, you will have to go again through the entire menu functions, and servo
speed will be automatically re set to “ standard digital” , just unplug the servo wire when going through the servo
speed menu time to set it up back correctly.
It is necessary to set up a gain of 30%
in rate mode (normal mode) approximately to be able to proceed with the
mechanical adjustment of the tail neutral.
Wait a few seconds after the Step 2 so that the gyroscope gets out of the programming menu, and enter into normal
operation mode (MENU Leds are off). For getting to 30% gain in rate mode, use the Transmitter ATV /EPA /
TRAVEL or LIMIT adjustment of the channel allocated to gyroscope gain.
In most cases, channels for gain are "Gear", "Aux", or "Gyro" (please refer to your transmitter manual for further
details, including for special Gyro functions on some transmitters to setup the Gyro gain).
The gyro gain adjustment is most of the time linked to a 2 positions switch. The gain adjustment procedure is very
simple: Use the gain channel limits on the transmitter , in both directions, to adjust the gain in normal or rate mode.
Just take into account the fact that a channel has a stock -100 / 0 / +100. If you draw on a piece of paper a segment,
indicating the mid point at 0 , then left end(-100) and right end(+100), it is simply the gain adjust of the gyroscope, in
normal mode (left) or tail lock ( right). 0 is simply NO gain at all. Then, going more to one or the other direction
rises the gain in normal or rate mode According to the direction of travel used to the track, everything that relates to
the negative travel act on the gain in normal mode, and the travel positive gains locking cap, and vice versa ( the
"TL" led will indicate you wether you are in normal or tail lock mode, on is Tail Lock, off or blinking is Rate mode
( normal).
So, for example, in order to get 30% gain in normal mode, simply adjust the limit of channel linked to the gyro gain
to -30 to +30 according to the rotation direction of the channel ( you will find a REVERSE menu for most
transmitters). Once the gyroscope will be fully setup, you can then rise the values of travel for gain to -40 / +40
before making the finest settings.
In addition, your LOGICTECH gyro indicates you in which portion of gain you are, using 8 red LEDs at the top of
the gyro in normal use operation (excluding programming):
- Led 1: 0 to 30%.
- Led 2: between 31 and 40%
- Led 3: between 41 and 50%
- Led 4: between 51 and 60%
- Led 5: 61 to 70%
- Led 6: between 71 and 80
- Led 7% between 81 and 90%
- Led 8: between 91 and 100%