MODELS 650, 655 & 660
L o g a n G r a p h i c P r o d u c t s I n c . , 1 1 0 0 B r o w n S t r e e t , Wa u c o n d a , I L 6 0 0 8 4 To l l F r e e 1 8 0 0 3 3 1 6 2 3 2 w w w. l o g a n g r a p h i c . c o m
(Example: 8” x 10” with 3
” x 5
” opening)
Step 1
Set the Mat Guide to 2” and cut an opening in the mat from the BACK.
Step 2
Keeping the fallout piece in place, run double sided tape around the back
of the window border. Do not put tape on cut line. Also put a small
swatch of tape in the center of the fallout.
Step 3
Straight cut a second piece of matboard of desired color to an outside
dimension 7
” x 9
Step 4
Affix the second mat FACE DOWN to the taped back of the first mat being
sure it is centered reasonably well.
Step 5
Set the Mat Guide to 2
” and cut the second opening. The double fallout
will drop from the window and the mat will be finished and perfectly
aligned. NOTE: Triple mats can be achieved by repeating the above
procedures again.
(Example: 8” x 10” with 7” x 5” opening)
Step 1
Set the mat guide at 2” and draw all four lines.
Step 2
Reset the Mat Guide at 1
” and draw another set of lines.
Step 3
Leaving the Mat Guide at 1
”, place the mat in the cutter, put on the
Bevel Cutting Head and line up the silver indicator line with the bottom
pencil line closest to center of the mat. Cut until the silver indicator lines
up with he top pencil line closest to the center of the mat. Using the
same procedure, cut all four sides.
IMPORTANT: At this point the
fallout will not drop from the window.
Step 4
Remove the mat and reset the Mat Guide to 2”. Reinsert the mat.
Step 5
Line up the silver indicator line on the Bevel Cutting Head with the drawn
pencil line furthest from the center of the mat. Cut until the silver indicator
line lines up with the line at the top of the mat furthest from the center of
the mat. Using the same procedure, cut all four sides.
NOTE: Be careful to
hold the fallout piece in place as you turn the mat for the last cut.
Double Mat
Off-Set Corner Mat
Inlay Mat
(Example: 8” x 10” with 7” x 5” opening)
Step 1
Set the Mat Guide at 2” and cut as per regular instructions.
Step 2
Reset the Mat Guide at 1
”. Keeping the fallout in place, cut the mat
again as per regular instructions. You may keep the fallout piece in place
by taping it on the back.
Step 3
Discard the outer border piece and fallout. Retain the inside border cutout.
Step 4
Leaving the Mat Guide in place at 1
”, cut a second mat of a different
color as per regular procedures.
IMPORTANT: The second mat must
be of the exact same outside dimension as the first mat.
Step 5
Remove the fallout piece from the second mat and place the inside border
cutout from the first mat in the window opening from the second mat.
The two pieces should fit together like a puzzle creating a flush surface
across the front of the mat. Put tape on back to hold it in place.
Detailed instructions on how to cut more creative style mats.