Phone: 800.526.4041
Fax: 818.764.6061
Author: JJ Contributors: RR, CT Original Date:11/2/12 Revision: 2/17/2022
TS- I have an Over-Current or Feedback Sweep/ Elevation Error.
Trouble Shooting Instructions
magnet is on the bottom platform (poking
through the slide slot).
The Sweep Home sensor should be secured
to the platform (as shown in the image
below in Red).
If the problem has not been resolved go to Section 3.
Checking Sensor Connections.
Section 3
Check the elevation position, sweep home,
and sweep position quick-connections.
Make sure the labels match up.
The diagrams below only apply if your wires
are unplugged.
(Vein Harness wires unplugged.)
(Vein Harness wires plugged-in)