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ROYTRONIC EXCEL™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
LIQUIFRAM™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
FASTPRIME™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
AUTOPRIME™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
DIGI-PULSE™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
PRO PAC™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
FLUOROFILM™ is a trademark of Milton Roy, LLC.
© 2015, 2011 Milton Roy, LLC.
We are a proud member of Accudyne Industries, a leading
global provider of precision-engineered, process-critical,
and technologically advanced flow control systems and
industrial compressors. Delivering consistently high levels
of performance, we enable customers in the most important
industries and harshest environments around the world
to accomplish their missions.