7.1. Manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the device
to technical conditions TU 9444.002.35266303-2005 if opera-
tion, transportation and storage conditions are observed.
7.2. The operation lifetime is 5 years.
Observation of operation conditions can considerably in-
crease the lifetime set by the manufacturer officially.
7.3. Warranty period of operation is 24 months from the date
of sale.
7.4. The complete set and appearance of the device is to be
checked by the buyer when receiving the goods at the seller’s
presence. Claims to complete set and appearance of the de-
vice after it was sold will not be admitted.
7.5 The seller (manufacturer) or organization carrying out
functions of the seller (manufacturer) on a contractual basis is
not responsible for defects should they occur after the disposal
of the device as a result of:
1) a failure on the part of the consumer to comply with rules
of transportation, storage, maintenance and operation provid-
ed in the present manual;
2) actions of the third party;
3) force-majeure.
7.6. In case of unit breakdown or malfunction within the war-
ranty period, as well as in case of incomplete shipping is found,
the owner must send the following documents to the manu-
facturer’s address: claim for repair (exchange) with name, ad-
dress, telephone number; defects list with brief description of
the malfunction, date and conditions of its appearance.