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Connecting the
CamoCam II
Connecting the CamoCam II is easy; just follow these steps:
NOTE: Make sure the purge valve is turned counter-clockwise when first
opening the case. The purge valve is located under the handle. After opening
the case, be sure to close the purge valve to ensure the case is watertight
After opening the case, connect the gel cell battery as shown in Figure (a).
Red lead to red terminal, black lead to black terminal. NOTE: Should you
accidentally connect the wrong lead to the wrong terminal, the worst that
should happen is wiring damage and a blown fuse. This is easily repairable
so don’t panic.
Figure a Figure b
NOTE: The gel cell battery comes fully charged from the factory. Included
with your CamoCam is a PowerSonic recharger. You may connect the charger
directly to each battery terminal or using the gray cable labeled “External Bat-
tery” you can charge the battery externally. This cable also allows additional
power sources to be used.
2. Connect the silver programming cable to the Programming Port using the tele-
phone style jack. The opposite end connects to your computer’s COM port. See
Figures (b) and (c).
Figure c
Remote Video Surveillance
I’ve got this thing hooked up and it doesn’t work….now what? Here is a list of
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) that might help:
The camera is powered up and connected to the computer, but it says
Is there sufficient light for the internal camera to work? Do you
have the unit programmed in a Time Active mode or Interval
Record mode?
I turned the system to the “ON” position but nothing seems to hap-
Are your batteries charged and properly connected? Are the
camcorder switches in the correct positions? Have you tried
reprogramming the unit with the software? Re-read this manual
and double check your connections.
When I checked my video tape, the camera came on and recorded but
there isn’t any activity that can be seen on the tape.
Are you using the PIR? Is it properly deployed? Have you tried
setting your sensors to activate early enough for the camera to
power up and start recording after a trigger? Contact the Help
Line if this continues.
My batteries don’t seem to last very long
Very cold temperatures will affect the performance of any bat-
tery. If temperature isn’t a factor, are you using quality alkaline
batteries with your sensors? Are you sure your batteries are
fresh? A solar panel helps keep batteries fresh in cold weather
I’m using the internal camcorder as my camera but I can’t get a pic-
ture when setting the unit up.
Is the lens cap on the case? Is there sufficient light for the cam-
corder to function? Have you adjusted your “Advanced Pa-
rameters” settings that might affect the camera’s performance?
The internal camera will not function if the light level is less
than 0 on your View Com screen...you can change this in
“Advanced Settings” but contact our Help Line first.
The tape will not eject from the camera.
Make sure the power cable is disconnected from back of the