This manual contains text, diagrams and explanations which will guide the reader in the correct installation and
operation of the Ex1n4AD Analog input block, It should be read and understood before attempting to install or use
the unit. If in doubt about the operation or use of Ex1n4AD Analog input block please consult Liyan Electric.
The Ex1n4AD analog input block (hereafter referred to as “Ex1n4AD”) converts 4 points of analog input values
(voltage input, current input, temperature input) into digital values, and transfers them to the PLC main unit.
The Ex1n4AD can be connected to Ex1n, Ex2n Series PLC.
1) Analog inputs can be selected from the voltage input, the current input and the thermocouple input (temperature
input) by the input mode setting by the TO instruction given by the PLC main unit and the connection method.
2) The voltage input can be selected within the range from –10 to +10 V. The current input can be selected within
the range from +4 to +20 mA.
The thermocouple input can be selected among the K type, and J type. (The input characteristics cannot be
adjusted when the thermocouple input is used.)
3) The resolution is 5mV (20 V x 1/4,000) when the voltage input is used, 10.00
A (40 mA x 1/8,000) when the
current input is used, and 0.1
C when the thermocouple input is used.
External Dimensions
Dimension: mm
Terminal Signal:
This module don’t occupy any I/O points and never perform wiring to terminals.
Ex1n32MR Ex1n8AD Ex1n16ER Ex1n8AD Ex1n32ER
X00-X17 not occupy points X20-X27 not occupy points X30-X37 not occupy points
Y00-Y17 K=0 Y20-Y27 K=1 Y30-Y37 K=2
Status indicator LED
Lit while power is normally supplied to “24V” and “24G“ terminals of Ex1n4AD.