LRT™ Subscription
LiveU Solo HDMI can incorporate LiveU’s patented
video protocol LRT™ (LiveU Reliable Transport), a
unique video transmission method. It deploys smart
algorithms like adaptive bit rate adjustment and
automated error correction to deliver rock-solid live
streams with superior video quality.
When the encoder is switched on, by default it will try to
connect to the internet via the strongest connection
method available. However, if LRT™ is enabled from
within the LRT tile on the Solo Web Portal, the encoder
will combine the bandwidths of up to four internet
sources (2 x cellular networks, 1 x WiFi, 1 x Ethernet) to
create a single, strong upstream line.
By transmitting the video data over multiple connections,
LiveU Solo ensures reliable live streaming even if one
network degrades or drops out completely.
LRT™ is not included as standard, it is an additional
subscription cost, with Monthly and Yearly subscription
options. If you do not have an LRT™ subscription and
attempt to turn the feature on, you will be directed to the
subscription area.
Please note, LRT subscriptions take up to 1 hour to
Once LRT™ has been activated, you then need to make sure that the correct Zone is selected, this will ensure the
correct bonding cloud server is used for your location, reducing any potential latency. For example, customers within the
UK, should use the EU_Ireland server.
Low Delay Mode
If LRT™ has been enabled, a Low Delay Mode is available which reduces the delay to the cloud bonding service. This is
particularly suitable for content that is time sensitive, such as motor racing. However, multiple bonding connections
should be used with this setting to ensure that the video packets get correctly delivered to the cloud. Please refer to
for more information on delay times.