Dive Computer
User Manual
Liquivision Products, Inc
Revision 3.2 Software 2.58
If you have lost a gas that was to be used later for decompression, it is very important to use this menu
option to mark it as “Lost”. This will prevent this Lost Gas from being used in ascent schedule
planning. If you fail to do this, your ascent schedule will be wrong, as the XEO will assume that you
can still use that gas.
1.3. Lost Gas
EXAMPLE: Let’s say you are planning to use Air and Nx50 on your dive, and let’s say your deco time
would be 30 minutes on Air and only 20 minutes on Nx50. If you were to lose Nx50, but not mark it as
“Lost”, then your XEO would tell you that your total Time To Surface is 20 minutes, because it would
think that you can still use the Nx50. However, as long as you keep your XEO set to Air throughout
your decompression, the XEO will continuously adjust its calculations, and in effect will keep you
decompressing for 30 minutes.
At first, the Lost Gas submenu displays only gases that are breathable at your current depth (including
your current gas). If you select “Show All”, it will display all Dive and Deco gases available, except for
those that you marked as “Lost”.
If an alarm is annoying you,
and you are confident that you should continue the decompression
violation that is causing the alarm
, you can switch that alarm off. Choosing the “Silence Alarms”
option will cause ALL of the alarms that are on at that moment to be silenced until the end of the dive.
2. Silence Alarms
Alarms you can silence are:
Depth alarm
Time alarm
Ascent/Descent Rate alarm
Other alarms, i.e. deco ceiling alarm and gas-related alarms cannot be silenced.
For example, if you have exceeded your maximum depth and time alarm settings, both of these alarms
will be on. If you choose to “Silence Alarms”, you will turn both of these alarms off and neither of
them will be displayed on this dive anymore – no matter what depth you go to or how long you stay
there for. However, if you exceed your maximum ascent rate on the same dive, it will still cause an
Keep in mind that the descent and ascent rate alarms are the same alarm – if you silence the descent
rate alarm on the way down, you will not see alarm go off if you ascend too fast on the way up!
Use of the “Silence Alarms” is intended for exceptional circumstances. Ignoring an alarm you have
chosen to set means you are exceeding the limits of your dive plan and putting yourself at a very
serious risk.