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Fault Diagnostics
M²-Sync Room Slideout System
This control has the ability to detect and display several faults. When a fault is detected,
the room movement will stop, and two different LEDs will flash in a pattern.
•The Fault Code LED (Fig 1) will flash a number of times corresponding to a specific fault
code. Refer to the Troubleshooting charts on the following pages to best determine what
caused the fault.
•The Green Room Movement LED (Fig 1) will flash a number of times corresponding to
which motor had the associated fault (or with battery Voltage faults, will flash once to
signify the start/end of the flashing fault code).
Remember to use the correct troubleshooting chart depending on which Touch Pad you
For example, if you have Touch Pad Version A, and you are seeing
5 red flashes & 2 green flashes
it means your slideout is drawing excessive current on motor #2.
There are 2 types of faults (Minor & Major) and a fault must be cleared in order for the
room to operate.
•MINOR faults can be cleared by pushing the IN and OUT buttons on the wall touch pad
•MAJOR faults must be cleared by pushing the Set Stops/Clear Faults button located on
the back of the wall touchpad (Fig 2). This is done to alert the user that there is a major
problem with the system and to prevent damage to the slideout room.
: For major
faults, the control must be overridden by following the Emergency Retract Mode in the
Override Modes section of this manual, and the control must then be programmed by an
authorized dealer when the problem is fixed