25 User Guide
© 2018 Lion Laboratories Ltd
Page 3
The definition of any word or phrase printed in italics may also be found in the table below:
Arrow Keys
Keys on the handset fascia whose function changes dependant on the labels
displayed on the screen directly above them.
Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device. Also known as an "interlock".
The condition in which the vehicle will not be able to start due to the action
of the Control Unit.
A procedure whereby the handset is checked or adjusted to ensure that it is
providing accurate results.
Control Unit
The part of the DS-25, mounted out of sight which blocks or unblocks the
ignition circuits.
The alcohol level at or above which the DS-25 will not unblock the Ignition
Circuits. This level is set by the controlling authority.
Emergency override
A procedure which allows to driver to override the DS-25 and start the
vehicle without providing a satisfactory breath sample.
The chemical name for the particular alcohol found in alcoholic drinks such a
wine, beer, whiskey etc.
False Positive Result
An above cut-off breath sample caused by factors other than that of alcohol
levels in the driver's breath which reflect the blood alcohol level. May be
caused by mouthwash, perfume, screen washer fluid or anti-bacterial hand
gels etc. All of these products contain alcohol.
Grace Period
Period of time following a particular deadline (e.g. a calibration
/maintenance visit during which the required procedure may take place
without penalty).
The part of the DS-25 mounted on the dashboard of the vehicle into which
you blow your breath sample.
Ignition Circuit
This is a general term which covers the various electrical sub-systems which
must be present for the vehicle move under its own power.
Liquid Crystal Display. The type of display screen used on the DS-25.
Light Emitting Diode. The light source providing the red and green lights on
the DS-25 fascia.
Local Settings
Numerical or logic values stored within the DS-25 which comply with the
specific requirements of your local legislation (if any).
Negative breath sample
A breath sample provided by the driver which contains alcohol at a value
below that of the Cut-off level.
A numerical code which, under certain circumstances, allows the DS-25 to be
Positive breath sample
A breath sample provided by the driver which contains alcohol at a value at
or above that of the Cut-off level.
Restart Period
The period of time following the engine being turned off during which it may
be restarted without providing a further breath sample.
Periodic checks and adjustments required by the DS-25 to ensure
programme compliance.
Standby Mode
The mode into which the DS-25 automatically returns after activity. It is not
switched off and continues to monitor its environment whilst in this
Start Period
The period of time following the handset displaying PASS after a breath
sample. During this time the ignition circuits are in an unblocked state and
the vehicle is able to be started.
The condition in which the vehicle will be able to start due to the action of
the Control Unit.