* Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to LinTech
GmbH, Berlin Germany.
3.3. Connecting to the configuration service
To be able to configure the Bluetooth RS232 Mini Adapter via Bluetooth, it is first necessary connect the
Bluetooth partner device ( Master) with the Bluetooth RS232 Mini Adapter connection service.
To do this, it is necessary to perform a service determination procedure in the Bluetooth manager of the Bluetooth
partner device. The Bluetooth RS232 Mini Adapter offers the service COM-CONFIG.
Connect up to this service.
For information on performing this step, please consult the instruction manual received with your Bluetooth
partner device.
Illustration 5 Searching for device with the service-ID: COM-CONFIG
3.4. Connecting to the serial interface of the adapter – configuration using a physical serial interface
Once you have switched the Bluetooth RS232 Mini Adapter into configuration mode (section 3.2), plug the
adapter into the serial interface of a personal computer.
Configuration using the LinTech BlueTool configuration programme
The LinTech RS232 BlueTool is an easy to use Windows configuration programme, with the aid of which you can
perform all the settings required for the Bluetooth Rs232 Mini Adapter easily and clearly.
Please copy the programme from the disc supplied to a folder on your hard disc, and start the programme from
the hard disc.