Configuration Software
User Manual V1.01
5.12.3 Oscilloscope configuration for the recording of the position set value
In this example the Oscilloscope will be used to display the actual value and the set
value of the position. For this we open the Oscilloscope by clicking on the “Osci” button
in the Commander. The variables for the two channels are found beneath the empty
graph windows. “Actual Pos”, ”Drive A” should be selected for channel A, while
“Demand Pos”, ”Drive A” should be selected for channel B.
We now switch to the entry panel for the trigger by clicking on “Trigger” in the lower
part of the Oscilloscope window. As the motor executes the curve cyclically and a mark
is always set at the beginning of a curve, the “Trig on Curve” offers an easy way to
synchronize the start of the recording with the start of the curve. We select “Trig on
Curve”. The entry fields for “Drive” and “Curve” appear. For “Drive” we should select
“Drive A” and for “Curve” we should select “1”. Whit it we have defined that the
recording will start as soon as motor A starts executing curve 1.
We now switch to the “Acquire” panel by clicking on “Acquire” in the lower part of the
Oscilloscope window. Here we can select the sample rate and the sample mode. We set
a sample rate of 4000
s, so that we can record approximately a whole period. (the
curve is executed in 1000 ms and the Oscilloscope records 256 values). We set the mode
to “Delayed” and enter a delay of 200’000
s. Multishot is not set. This way we start the
recording 200 ms after the curve has started, in order to obtain a better resolution in the
display of the rising edge, the most interesting part of the curve.
We don’t need to modify any settings under Display, unless you wish to change the plot
color, the offset or the axis scaling.
We are now ready for a recording. We start the motor (“Start” in the Control Panel) and
click on the “Start” button in the Oscilloscope when the motor is executing the curve. It
takes only a few seconds before the values are loaded from the electronic unit. When no
more text appears in the graph window, click on the “Fit View” button and you will see
the following display:
Figure 5-19: Recording actual position and the set value of a cyclical curve