Installation Guide Linear Rotary Motors
NTI AG / LinMot
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6.6.6 Referencing the Rotary Motor
The rotary motor has an integrated single-turn absolute encoder. This means that the rotary motor knows its
position without any reference run after the drive is started up.
Figure: Activate the absolute encoder for rotary motors by selecting "LmComm And In Sensor Period"
(default value). With parameter "Home Position" an offset to the start position can be set.
If a reference run is necessary due to mechanical events, e.g. an external gear, it is recommended to
reference an external sensor. A number of options for homing are available to the user under Parameter ->
Motion Control SW -> State Machine Setup -> Homing.
6.7 Initial Setup of Torque Measuring Shafts and Force Sensors
Optionally mounted torque measuring shaft and / or force sensor are high precision
measuring equipment and must be handled appropriate. Wrong handling like moving fast to
mechanical stop cause impacts which may exceed the maximum force defined in the data
sheet. Wrong handling of the measuring equipment may damage sensors.
It’s strongly recommended to follow the steps for initial setup carefully and test the correct
function of measuring equipment before using in real application.
6.7.1 Software P
ackage „Technology Function Force Control“
If a closed torque/force control loop is implemented via an internal sensor (torque or force control of the
rotary/linear motor via feedback of the torque measuring shaft / force sensor to the LinMot Drive), the "TF
Force Control" software package (Art. No.: 0150-2503) must be ordered. Without this software package it is
not possible to control to a certain torque/force or the operation commands of the “TF Force Control”
software package cannot be used.
If the signal of the torque measuring shaft / force sensor is only evaluated (PLC or LinMot Drive), the
software package is not necessary.
6.7.2 Setting Parameters for Torque / Force Control
Logged into the drive, you will find all parameters to be set in the
LinMot-Talk software under the path "Parameters -> Motion Control
SW -> Protected Technology Functions -> Analog Force Feedback
Parameter tree: Input Selection
Please select the following setting under "Input Selection":
Input Selection (UPID 150Fh) = Diff Analog Input On X4.10/X4.11