background image


Appendix E

Software End User License Agreement

Wireless-G Broadband Router

send you Service related email messages as long as you 

are  a  subscriber  to  the  Service.  If  you  wish  to  opt-out 

of  receiving  Service  related  email  messages,  you  may 

cancel the Service by providing written notice via www. to Cisco of such cancellation 

and uninstalling the Software and discontinuing your use 

of the Service.


Schedule 3 

Open Source and Third Party Licenses

Schedule 3-A

If  this  Cisco  product  contains  open  source  software 

licensed  under  Version  2  of  the  “GNU  General  Public 

License” then the license terms below in this Schedule 3-A 

will apply to that open source software. The license terms 

below in this Schedule 3-A are from the public web site at


Version 2, June 1991
Copyright  ©  1989,  1991  Free  Software  Foundation,  Inc.  

51  Franklin  Street,  Fifth  Floor,  Boston,  MA  02110-1301, 

Everyone  is  permitted  to  copy  and  distribute  verbatim 

copies  of  this  license  document,  but  changing  it  is  not 



The licenses for most software are designed to take away 

your  freedom  to  share  and  change  it.  By  contrast,  the 

GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your 

freedom  to  share  and  change  free  software—to  make 

sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public 

License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation’s 

software  and  to  any  other  program  whose  authors 

commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation 

software  is  covered  by  the  GNU  Lesser  General  Public 

License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. 
When  we  speak  of  free  software,  we  are  referring  to 

freedom,  not  price.  Our  General  Public  Licenses  are 

designed  to  make  sure  that  you  have  the  freedom  to 

distribute  copies  of  free  software  (and  charge  for  this 

service if you wish), that you receive source code or can 

get it if you want it, that you can change the software or 

use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know 

you can do these things. 
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that 

forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to 

surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain 

responsibilities  for  you  if  you  distribute  copies  of  the 

software, or if you modify it. 

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, 

whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients 

all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, 

too,  receive  or  can  get  the  source  code.  And  you  must 

show them these terms so they know their rights. 
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the 

software,  and  (2)  offer  you  this  license  which  gives  you 

legal  permission  to  copy,  distribute  and/or  modify  the 

Also,  for  each  author’s  protection  and  ours,  we  want  to 

make certain that everyone understands that there is no 

warranty for this free software. If the software is modified 

by  someone  else  and  passed  on,  we  want  its  recipients 

to know that what they have is not the original, so that 

any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the 

original authors’ reputations. 
Finally,  any  free  program  is  threatened  constantly  by 

software  patents.  We  wish  to  avoid  the  danger  that 

redistributors  of  a  free  program  will  individually  obtain 

patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. 

To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must 

be licensed for everyone’s free use or not licensed at all. 
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution 

and modification follow. 


This  License  applies  to  any  program  or  other  work 


which  contains  a  notice  placed  by  the  copyright 

holder  saying  it  may  be  distributed  under  the  terms 

of  this  General  Public  License. The “Program”,  below, 

refers  to  any  such  program  or  work,  and  a  “work 

based  on  the  Program”  means  either  the  Program 

or  any  derivative  work  under  copyright  law:  that  is 

to  say,  a  work  containing  the  Program  or  a  portion 

of  it,  either  verbatim  or  with  modifications  and/

or  translated  into  another  language.  (Hereinafter, 

translation is included without limitation in the term 

“modification”.)  Each  licensee  is  addressed  as  “you”.  


Activities  other  than  copying,  distribution  and 

modification  are  not  covered  by  this  License;  they 

are outside its scope. The act of running the Program 

is not restricted, and the output from the Program is 

covered only if its contents constitute a work based on 

the  Program  (independent  of  having  been  made  by 

running  the  Program). Whether  that  is  true  depends 

on what the Program does. 

Содержание WRT54G2 - Wireless-G Broadband Router

Страница 1: ...USER GUIDE Wireless G Broadband Router Model WRT54G2...

Страница 2: ...ail address Online Resources Website addresses in this document are listed without http in front of the address because most current web browsers do not require it If you use an older web browser you...

Страница 3: 13 Wireless Advanced Wireless Settings 14 Security Firewall 15 Security VPN Passthrough 15 Access Restrictions Internet Access 16 Applications and Gaming Port Range Forward 17 Applications Gaming P...

Страница 4: ...Industry Canada Statement 28 Avis d Industrie Canada 29 Wireless Disclaimer 29 Avis de non responsabilit concernant les appareils sans fil 29 User Information for Consumer Products Covered by EU Dire...

Страница 5: ...the client device supports Wi Fi Protected Setup WaituntiltheLEDisoff andthentryagain The LED flashes amber when a Wi Fi Protected Setup session is active and a second session begins The Router suppo...

Страница 6: ...ine where you want to mount the Router Make 1 sure that the wall you use is smooth flat dry and sturdy Also make sure the location is within reach of an electrical outlet Drill two holes into the wall...

Страница 7: ...lity to enable Media Access Control MAC address filtering The MAC address is a unique series of numbers and letters assigned to every networking device With MAC address filtering enabled wireless netw...

Страница 8: ...Address field Then press Enter A password request screen will appear Non Windows XP users will see a similar screen Leave the User name field blank Then enter the password you set up during the Setup...

Страница 9: ...periodically check your Internet connection If you are disconnected then the Router will automatically re establish your connection To use this option select Keep Alive In the Redial Period field spe...

Страница 10: ...s a service that applies to connections in Australia only If your ISP uses HeartBeat Signal HBS then select Telstra Cable Internet Connection Type Telstra Cable User Name and Password Enter the User N...

Страница 11: ...than 192 168 1 253 The default is 192 168 1 100 Maximum Number of DHCP Users Enter the maximum number of PCs that you want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to This number cannot be greater than...

Страница 12: ...assigned by the DDNS service Internet IP Address The Router s Internet IP address is displayed Because it is dynamic it will change Status The status of the DDNS service connection is displayed Click...

Страница 13: ...You can also select WAN Internet which performs dynamic routing with data coming from the Internet Finally selecting Both enables dynamic routing for both networks as well as data from the Internet S...

Страница 14: ...s select Wireless G Only If you have only Wireless B devices select Wireless B Only If your network has no wireless devices or if you want to disable wireless networking select Disabled Wireless Netwo...

Страница 15: ...n manually configure those client devices Wireless Wireless Security The Wireless Security settings configure the security of yourwirelessnetwork Therearesixwirelesssecuritymode options supported by t...

Страница 16: ...cryption keys Select the type of algorithm AES or TKIP AES The default is AES RADIUS Server Address Enter the IP Address of the RADIUS server RADIUS Port Enter the port number of the RADIUS server The...

Страница 17: ...rase Enter a Passphrase to automatically generate WEP keys Then click Generate Key 1 4 If you did not enter a Passphrase enter the WEP key s manually WEP WEP is a basic encryption method which is not...

Страница 18: ...a WEP key for authentication Basic Rate The Basic Rate setting is not actually one rate of transmission but a series of rates at which the Router can transmit The Router will advertise its Basic Rate...

Страница 19: ...o begin transmission The RTS Threshold value should remain at its default value of 2347 AP Isolation This isolates all wireless clients and wireless devices on your network from each other Wireless de...

Страница 20: ...k or allow specific kinds of Internet usage and traffic such as Internet access designated services and websites during specific days and times Access Restrictions Internet Access Internet Access Inte...

Страница 21: ...creen appears Port Services To add a service enter the service s name in the Service Name field Select its protocol from the Protocol drop down menu and enter its range in the Port Range fields Then c...

Страница 22: ...eck with the Internet application documentation for the port number s needed StartPort EnterthestartingportnumberoftheTriggered Range End Port Enter the ending port number of the Triggered Range Forwa...

Страница 23: ...ority Application Priority QoS manages information as it is transmitted and received Depending on the settings of the QoS screen this feature will assign information a high or low priority for the app...

Страница 24: ...will need to enter the Router s password when accessing the Router this way as usual Use https To require the use of HTTPS for remote access select this feature UPnP UPnP Keep the default Enable to en...

Страница 25: ...Save Settings Any settings you have saved will be lost when the default settings are restored Administration Factory Defaults Administration Upgrade Firmware The Administration Upgrade Firmware scree...

Страница 26: ...section shows the current network information stored in the Router The information varies depending on the Internet connection type selected on the Setup Basic Setup screen Click Refresh to update th...

Страница 27: ...ork screen click Close Status Wireless The Status Wireless screen displays the status of your wireless network Status Wireless Wireless MAC Address The MAC address of the Router s local wireless inter...

Страница 28: ...t the setup CD into your computer and then follow the on screen instructions When you double click the web browser you are prompted for a username and password If you want to get rid of the prompt fol...

Страница 29: ...RF Power Output 18 dBm UPnP able cert Able Security Features Stateful Packet Inspection SPI Firewall Internet Policy Wireless Security Wi Fi Protected Access 2 WPA2 WEP Wireless MAC Filtering Environm...

Страница 30: ...ct or software will be uninterrupted or error free Also due to the continual development of new techniques for intruding upon and attacking networks Linksys does not warrant that the product software...

Страница 31: ...fective product covered by this limited warranty will be repaired or replaced and returned to you without charge Customers outside of the United States of America and Canada are responsible for all sh...

Страница 32: ...iation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20...

Страница 33: ...ntenne ou d un autre metteur ou fonctionner avec une autre antenne ou un autre metteur Wireless Disclaimer The maximum performance for wireless is derived from IEEE Standard 802 11 specifications Actu...

Страница 34: ...recyklace pom h p edch zet potenci ln m negativn m dopad m na ivotn prost ed a lidsk zdrav Podrobn j informace o likvidaci star ho vybaven si laskav vy dejte od m stn ch ad podniku zab vaj c ho se lik...

Страница 35: ...eter ce mat riel ainsi que tout autre mat riel lectrique ou lectronique par les moyens de collecte indiqu s par le gouvernement et les pouvoirs publics des collectivit s territoriales L limination et...

Страница 36: ...elsz mol s hoz tov bbi r szletes inform ci ra van sz ks ge k rj k l pjen kapcsolatba a helyi hat s gokkal a hullad kfeldolgoz si szolg lattal vagy azzal zlettel ahol a term ket v s rolta Nederlands Du...

Страница 37: pr padn m negat vnym dopadom na ivotn prostredie a zdravie ud Ak m te z ujem o podrobnej ie inform cie o likvid cii star ho zariadenia obr te sa pros m na miestne org ny organiz cie zaoberaj ce sa...


Страница 39: ...sco makes no representations as to the quality suitability functionality or legality of any sites or products to which links may be provided or third party services and you hereby waive any claim you...

Страница 40: ...tain settings in your Internet browser software including the default settings for search provider and source of DNS error pages and may direct erroneous URLs to an error landing page hosted by Cisco...

Страница 41: ...this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to t...

Страница 42: ...ts These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software or if you modify it For example if you distribute copies of such a program whether gratis o...

Страница 43: licensees extend to the entire whole and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it Thus it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written enti...

Страница 44: ...ion has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices Many people have made generous contributions to the wide...

Страница 45: ...or this service if you wish that you receive source code or can get it if you want it that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs and that you are informed that you can...

Страница 46: ...orm executables The Library below refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms A work based on the Library means either the Library or any derivative work u...

Страница 47: ...of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place then offering equivalent acce...

Страница 48: requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Libra...

Страница 49: ...tten in the body of this License The Free Software Foundation may publish revised 13 and or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time Such new versions will be similar in spi...

Страница 50: ...ppear in their names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain 6 the following acknowledgment This product includes software developed...

