Wireless Presentation Gateway
Click the Install
tab on the autorun
screen (as shown in
Figure 4-1) and you
will begin the
installation proce-
dure, bringing up a
screen like that
shown in Figure 4-
2. Click the Next
button to continue
the installation pro-
The next screen, like that shown in Figure 4-3, will allow you to choose where
the Player will be installed. By default, the destination folder is C:\Program
Files\WPG11 Player. You can change this, if you wish, by clicking the Browse
button and selecting another destination where it will be installed. Once the
destination has been selected, click the Next button to continue.
Instant Wireless
Chapter 4: The Wireless
Presentation Gateway’s Player
With the Wireless Presentation Gateway’s Player, you can connect to the
Wireless Presentation Gateway from any PC in your wireless network. To
install the Player, insert the Setup CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The
CD’s autorun program should start automatically, bringing up the screen shown
in Figure 4-1. If the autorun does not start automatically, click the Start button,
select Run, and type d:\setup.exe in the Open field to start the autorun pro-
gram. You will then see the screen in Figure 4-1.
The autorun screen presents you with several options for using the Wireless
Presentation Gateway. Clicking the Install tab will start the installation proce-
dure, placing the Player on your current PC. Clicking Uninstall will begin a
simple procedure for removing the Player. Click the User Guide tab to view
this User Guide. If you need to contact Linksys for technical support, click the
Contact Us tab for that information. Clicking the Exit tab will close the
Installing the Player
Figure 4-2
Overview and Autorun
Figure 4-1
Figure 4-3
Note: The Wireless Presentation Gateway’s
Player will NOT install onto a Windows NT PC.