Chapter 2: Getting to Know the Switch
The Front Panel
Linksys One Ready Communications Solution
Stack ID LEDs
Reset Switch
The Ethernet switch can be reset by inserting a pin or paper clip into the RESET opening. If
the reset switch is held for 10 seconds or longer, the Ethernet switch will be reset to its default
When a unit is reset to its default setting, the unit restarts in stackable mode using default
stacking ports with autonumbering enabled. Pressing the reset button on the master unit of a
stack resets all units in the stack.
LAN Ports
The Ethernet switch is equipped with 24 Ethernet ports.
Stack ID
A green Stack ID LED indicates that this Switch is stacked and the
corresponding number indicates its stack ID. Range is 1 to 8.
All user-defined settings are
lost when you hold the Reset button for
10 seconds or longer; the Ethernet
switch reverts to its default settings.
The Switch is equipped with 24 auto-sensing, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
network ports, which use RJ-45 connectors. The Fast Ethernet ports
support network speeds of 10Mbps or 100Mbps. They can operate in
half and full-duplex modes. Auto-sensing technology enables each
port to automatically detect the speed of the device connected to it,
and adjust its speed and duplex accordingly.