LinkBone Switch User manual, 8x8 Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
The device operates in two port switching modes:
– only one connection it allowed between two selected ports from matrix row and
column. This mode is dedicated for applications where only two ports can be connected
simultaneously. To avoid short circuit of multiple ports during the switching procedure first
all ports are being disconnected and then final connection is established.
– multiple ports can be connected via matrix switch network.
: because several ports can be shorted together during switch operation, proper
protection circuits/techniques are needed to avoid damage of connected equipment.
The port connection configuration can be done via touch screen located on the front panel or
remotely via Ethernet, RS-232 or infrared remote control.
The access via Ethernet interface is possible by following services::
HTTP server with user configuration page described in chapter 5.1 (
HTTP server
Telnet server accepting text commands described in chapter 7 (
Text commands accepted by
LinkBone Switch 8x8 Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
The switch control via RS-232 interface is done by using text commands with syntax similar to the
Telnet server commands described in chapter 7 (
Text commands accepted by LinkBone Switch 8x8
Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
Additionally the switch status can be configured by included RC5 infrared remote control.
Front panel
Figure 2 shows the front panel of the LinkBone Switch containing the following elements:
power switch (position I means that power is on and O indicates that power is off)
status indicator, the blue color indicates that the device is ready for operation
infrared Remote Control (RC) sensor with RC5 decoder
reset button with the following functions:
single button press disconnects all ports
holding down button for 5 seconds starts touch screen calibration procedure
RS-232 port described in chapter 6 (
Access through RS-232 interface
Ethernet port described in chapter 5 (
Ethernet remote control port
System Display with touch screen described in chapter 4 (
System Display