LinkBone Switch User manual, 8x8 Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
Safety instructions
The user should get familiar with safety requirements and operating instructions before turning
on the device for the first time to prevent personal injury or damage of equipment. The
manufacturer does not take responsibility for any instrument damages or personal injuries caused
by not restricting the device operation instructions and specifications.
The LinkBone Switch must be only used with the power adapter provided by the manufacturer. The
device should be operated at temperature range from 0 to 40 °C and low humidity environment.
Ensure adequate air circulation to prevent overheating of the device. During operation the device all
its components must be always dry and used in an atmosphere free of conductive pollution. The
operating atmosphere should not contain explosive and corrosive gases. In case of suspected device
failure or any other hazardous situation the user should immediately stop the operation of the
device. Keep all elements of the system away from children.
The device should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In case of spilling liquid on the equipment,
immediately disconnect the power supply and discontinue its use.
During installation please note that device housing and all connectors are connected to the negative
rail of the power supply adapter (marked as "-" or ground on the 12VDC connector). Do not short the
device ground to elements with different electric potential (e.g by connecting device housing or
external cables). Touching device ground and elements with the different electric potential can
result in electric shock.
In order to connect external equipment to LinkBone Switch the user should always check the
electrical and mechanical compatibility of the devices. The specified voltage and current values for
the connectors cannot be exceeded. In case of incompatibility of electrical or mechanical properties
devices should not be connected.
When connecting external equipment to ports with labels from A to P please use proper protection
against signal reflections, electrostatic discharge and other intended or unintended(e.g. by device
failure) short circuits with other port lines or ground. Make sure that cables being connected to the
device are previously discharged to prevent damage of the equipment from ESD. It is not
recommended to use LinkBone Switch with sensible equipment which can be damaged by
unexpected electric signals or short circuits. The manufacturer is not liable for any equipment
damage resulting from not using suitable protection circuits or improper use of the LinkBone Switch.
To reduce probability of device failure because of external noise sources shielded cables should be
used. Please use proper overvoltage protection to prevent damage of the equipment (e.g by
lightning strike). Use only fuse types specified for given device.
Do not operate the unit with the cover or any part of casing removed. When the power supply is
connected to LinkBone Switch do not touch elements with high voltage.
To change the batteries in IR remote control please remove the bottom battery cover. Replace the
batteries according to the drawing under the battery cover. Please pay attention to the battery