L2101 &L2102 Integrated Receiver Decoder Instruction Manual – Issue 1 – September 2003
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5.8.3 Serviceability
After performing any installation, initialization, or configuration to the L2201 or L2202
Integrated Receiver Decoder, maintenance checks should be performed to ensure that the
unit is serviceable.
A Video Monitor must be connected to the L2201 in order to perform the check.
The table below provides a systematic instruction for performing a serviceability check.
Verify that the LCD Status Message reads ALL OK
Check for Video Picture on monitor
Toggle between Composite and S-VIDEO modes
Check Audio channels Left and Right
In the event that no video or audio output is received, perform a test on the decoder
audio/video stream.
To test the decoder audio/video stream:
From the Status Message, press the down arrow.
The System Menu is displayed.
Select the Test Menu.
The current operation shows NONE.
Select the NTSC Stream.
Press ENTER.
- Listen for the Test Sound (a brief musical sample) from the monitor speakers
- A Standard Test Pattern should be displayed on the TV Monitor.
When both Video and Audio tests are complete, return the TEST mode to the NONE state.
If you received any errors during the test, contact your vendor. If your IRD is not performing
as required, refer to the Operation Guide for further instructions.