L2101 &L2102 Integrated Receiver Decoder Instruction Manual – Issue 1 – September 2003
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The following paragraphs provides detailed description on various applications.
1.8 Broadcast Redistribution
The primary application of the L2201 and L2202 is reception and distribution of DVB
broadcast signals for cable or local broadcasting.
1.9 Stand Alone Decoder
The L2201 and L2202 may be utilized without an input receiver as an online decoder for a
DVB signal. This may be utilized for monitoring purposes within a broadcast center, for
editing components of the DVB bit stream, and for redistribution of local line input such as
prerecorded video programs.
1.10 Internal Corporate Distribution
A growing application for DVB redistribution is internal corporate training and
communications. Both training and internal communications can greatly benefit from the
decoding and redistribution of DVB signals originating from a central broadcast point within
a company.
1.11 Data Transfer
The L2201 and L2202 can be implemented as a solution for remote locations requiring data
links, where no proper line communications exist. In this role, the L2201 and L2202
decodes data from a DVB signal broadcast via satellite or other Telco interfaces.
One of the advanced features of the L2201 and L2202 is simultaneous high-speed and
low-speed data transfer. Data transfer from the encoder is uni directional. The L2201 and
L2202 has no feedback, response, or acknowledgement capabilities.