14.4 Cleaning of Passive Mattress
Incorrect cleaning/disinfection can damage the mattress!
Do not use pressure or steam cleaners.
Follow the instructions and observe the dosages recommended by the manufacturer.
Ensure that disinfectants are selected and applied by qualified hygiene experts only.
The surface of the mattress should not be exposed to liquids for a long time.
14.4.1 General Guidance
For safe and gentle cleaning:
Do not use any strong acids or alkalines, (optimum pH range 6 – 8. Do not exceed pH of 9).
Only use detergents that are suitable for cleaning medical equipment.
Do not use abrasive powders, steel wool, or other material and cleaning agents that might damage the mattress. Do not
scrub mattress surface.
Never use any corrosive or caustic detergents.
Never use detergents that deposit calcium carbonate.
Never use detergents with solvents that might affect the structure and consistency of the plastics (benzene, toluene, ace
tone etc.).
Use only hospital-approved cleaners and observe local directives concerning infection control.
Always rinse with water after cleaning and dry thoroughly before use.
Observe local directives concerning infection control.
Mattress parts to be cleaned
Recommended Cleaning Agents (General Cleaning
Top Cover, Bottom Cover, Protect Cover
Standard hospital detergents, Alcohol or Quaternary Ammoni
um based disinfectants, Chlorine based disinfectants contai
ning up to 0,1% Chlorine, followed by rinsing with water and
drying thoroughly before use.
Decontamination: Blood spills/C-diff. etc
Chlorine based disinfectants containing up to 0,1% Chlorine.
Dwell time on surface at 0,1% of 5 minutes, followed by rinsing
with water and drying thoroughly before use.
Mattress Core
Do not clean!
Due to the variety of laundry equipment, chemicals and conditions in use, customers should satisfy themselves through pretesting.
It is essential that cover be thoroughly rinsed and dried after all cleaning procedures and before storage or reuse. Wet or damp PU
surfaces are more prone to mechanical damage than when dry.
As stated above, after application of a suitable cleaner, the surface must be rinsed with water and dried before use. (Even if the
cleaner instructions say that this is not required). This prevents a build-up of chemicals on the mattress surface which could be
reactivated during use and affect biocompatibility.
Continued use of high concentration, chlorine-based disinfectants may significantly reduce the performance and the wor
king life of a coated material.
If disinfecting is not required, cleaning with soap and water should be enough to remove dirt stains.
Cleaning and disinfecting products based on solvent, bleach, abrasives or very high (over 70%) alcohol concentrations
can damage this product.
Type of Cleaning
Parts to be cleaned
Routine Cleaning and Disinfection
external of mattress cover
Full Cleaning and Disinfection
external of mattress cover