Press this button to set the speed as desired. Each press of the button will increase the speed. The fan has
3 speeds. The selected speed can be seen by means of the indicator light that illuminates.
· Low speed
· Medium speed
· High speed
Press this button to turn the oscillation on or off. With oscillation, the device rotates alternately to the left
and to the right to distribute the air better. Press the button to increase the amount of oscillation. There
are 4 oscillation settings. You can see the chosen setting from the indicator light that illuminates.
· 30° oscillation
· 90° oscillation
· 180° oscillation
· 360° oscillation
Press the timer button to set the timer to a maximum of 8 hours. Each press of the button will increase
the time. The selected time is indicated by the indicator light that illuminates.
· Press this button once to set the timer for 1 hour.
· Press this button twice to set the timer for 2 hours.
· Press this button three times to set the timer for 4 hours.
· Press this button four times to set the timer for 8 hours.
· Press this button a fifth time to turn off the timer.
Afterwards, the fan switches itself off automatically.
In addition to the normal ventilation mode, the fan also has two other modes: natural and sleep. Using
this button, it is possible to switch the ventilation mode from the natural mode to the sleep mode.
Natural mode
Press the mode button once to activate the natural mode. The corresponding indicator light illuminates
. The fan simulates a natural breeze by systematically alternating between different speeds.
The button for the speed settings allows you to choose from three speeds within the natural mode. The
selected speed will be in operation most often.
Sleep mode
Press the mode button twice to activate the sleep mode. The corresponding indicator light illuminates
The fan distributes a natural breeze that decreases in speed every half hour.
The speed settings button allows you to choose from three speeds within the sleep mode.
· Highest speed: the fan operates for 30 minutes at the highest natural mode speed, then switches to
the medium natural mode speed mode for 30 minutes and then works at the low natural mode.
· Medium speed: the fan operates in the medium natural mode speed for 30 minutes and then switches
to the low natural mode speed.
· Low speed: the fan works in the same cycle as the low natural mode speed.