During Activity/Rebuild, the HDD Active LED turns blue. If the HDD Active LED turns red, the
HDD is defective and must be changed.
Always unmount the drive from the computer before unplugging the cable or turning off the power
If the HDD does not support access signal, then the HDD Active LED will not flash when in use.
If the system does not detect the device, please go to device management and try to enable it
DO NOT open the door or turn off the power of the Mobile RAID while the HDD is busy, this may
cause permanent damage to your HDD.
Driver Installation
Windows will automatically detect and install the required drivers for the device.
Disconnecting from the Computer
Use Windows’ Safely Remove Hardware utility before turning off or disconnecting the USB 3.0 Dual
2.5“SATA Mobile RAID.
Windows 8 / 7
Verify that the HDD access LED is OFF before proceeding
Click the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon located in the taskbar
Click the “USB Mass Storage Device“
When the message Safe to Remove Hardware pops up, you can safely turn off or unplug the
Windows Vista
Verify that the HDD access LED is OFF before proceeding
Double click the Unplug or Eject Hardware icon located in the system tray
Highlight “USB Mass Storage Device“, click Stop
Click OK twice, then Close
You can safely turn off or unplug the enclosure
Windows XP / Server 2003 & 2008
Verify that the HDD access LED is OFF before proceeding
Double click the Safely Remove Hardware icon located in the system tray
Highlight “USB Mass Storage Device“, click Stop, OK, then Close
You can safely turn off or unplug the enclosure