Linde 335-03 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1




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01 EN

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– 04




Содержание 335-03 Series

Страница 1: ...lift t tr truck uck Orig Original inal inst instruct ructions ions 335 335 03 03 ser serie ies s E16 E16C 0 C 03 3 E16 E16P P 03 03 E20P 03 E20P 03 33 335 5 80 801 1 17 1701 01 EN EN 04 04 20 2014 14...

Страница 2: ...https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 3: ...tensi sive ve network of sales partners we are at your network of sales partners we are at your se serv rvic ice e ro roun und d th the e cl cloc ock k an and d ar arou ound nd th the e wo worl rld d...

Страница 4: ...https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 5: ...r r wi windo ndow w 20 20 Manu Manually ally tilt tilting ing th the e ma mast st an and d lo lowe weri ring ng th the e fo fork rk 21 21 Do Do no not t us use e ca cabl bles es to toop open en t the...

Страница 6: ...To Towi wing ng re regu gula lati tion ons s 73 73 Car Carry rying ingand and li lift fting ingt the hefo fork rkl lif ift t t tru ruck ck 74 74 Wheel Wheel chang change e 76 76 Us Use e in in co col...

Страница 7: ...t stat atus us and and ti tight ghtnes ness s of of the the ele elect ctric rical al ca cable bles s ele elect ctric rical al co conne nnect ctio ions ns and and pl plug ug co conn nnec ecto tors rs 1...

Страница 8: ...ra am ms s Elec Electric trical al circ circuit uit diag diagram ram 142 142 Ci Circ rcui uit t di diag agra rams ms 14 142 2 Ci Circ rcui uit t di diag agra rams ms 14 144 4 Ci Circ rcui uit t di di...

Страница 9: ...1 1 Introduction Introduction https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 10: ...truck in particular particular t tti ting ng of of equ equip ipmen ment t or or con conve versi rsion on of of the the tru truck ck is prohibited without the is prohibited without the permiss permissi...

Страница 11: ...ry of the forklift truck When taking delivery of the forklift truck ple pleas ase copy e copy dat data a fro from m th the e co comp mpone onent nts s id iden en ti cation plate details into this user...

Страница 12: ...trucks delive only applies to trucks delivered from the red from the fac factory tory wit with h att attachm achments ents VD VDMA MA E EU U co coun untr trie ies s on only ly EC De EC Declaration cl...

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Страница 15: ...r or dam damage age to to pro proper perty ty CAUTION CAUTION Means that failure to comply can cause risk of Means that failure to comply can cause risk of mate materia rial l dam damage age or or des...

Страница 16: ...verse stepless speed regu lation can be lation can be carried out extremely lightl carried out extremely lightly by y by mea means ns of of the the dig digit ital al tra tract ctio ion n co cont ntrol...

Страница 17: ...ccelerator pedal is released the released the tru truck ck per perfor forms ms el elect ectric rical al bra braki king ng by by mea means ns of of the Lin the Linde brak de braking co ing contro ntrol...

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Страница 20: ...EC EC dec declar larat ation ion of of co confo nform rmit ity y 1 12 2 O Op pe er ra at ti in ng g I In ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on ns s 3 33 35 5 8 80 01 1 1 17 70 01 1 E EN N 0 04 4 2 20 01 14 4 htt...

Страница 21: ...2 2 Safety Safety https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 22: ...m ipment ent for for at attac tachme hment nts s Pecu Peculiar liariti ities es of of op operation and the working eration and the working area area Only then should training exercises in the Only the...

Страница 23: ...herefore wear protective equip ment ment WARNING WARNING The The ind industr ustrial ial tru truck ck work working ing are area a must must be be ade adequa qua tely lit tely lit If it is insuf cientl...

Страница 24: ...ired ed da dama mage ge Ri Risk sk ca caus used ed by by in insu suf f ci cien ent t m maint aintenan enance ce or or testing testing Risk Risk caused caused by us by using th ing the wrong e wrong c...

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Страница 27: al truck manu manufac facturer turer esp especi eciall ally y lif lift t mast mast roll rollers ers and and chai chain n holde holders m rs must ust be be avai availabl lable e Cont Contact act you...

Страница 28: ...he load capacity of the load capacity of the truck with truck with attachment see section Additional capacity attachment see section Additional capacity rati rating ng plat plate e for for atta attach...

Страница 29: ...k rk Manua Manually lly tilt tilti ing ng t the he m mas ast t NOTE NOTE Th The e ov over erhe head ad gu guar ard d ca cann nnot ot be be op open ened ed wh when en the mast is ti the mast is tilted...

Страница 30: ...rig original inal posi position tion Ma Manua nually lly low loweri ering ng th the e f for ork k NOTE NOTE Note If the truck has Note If the truck has a malfunction the fork a malfunction the fork ca...

Страница 31: ...i hydraulic attachments the lift c attachments the lift mast will mast will prev prevent ent lowe lowering ring Use a s Use a suit uitable t able tool ool ham hammer mer handl handle 1 e 1 or or cr cr...

Страница 32: es to to op open en th the e ov over erhe head ad gu guar ard d by by fo forc rce e 2 24 4 O Op pe er ra at ti in ng g I In ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on ns s 3 33 35 5 8 80 01 1 1 17 70 01 1 E EN N 0...

Страница 33: ...3 3 O Ov ve er rv vi ie ew w o of f t th he e f fo or rk kl li if ft t t tr ru uc ck k https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 34: ...otor motor name nameplate plate 1 13 3 G Ge ea ar rb bo ox x l le ef ft t s si id de e 1 14 4 Tr Tra ac ct ti io on n m mo ot to or r l le ef ft t s si id de e 15 15 Tr Trac act tio ion n m mot otor o...

Страница 35: ...w we ei ig gh ht t 6 6 B Ba at tt te er ry y V Vo ol lt ta ag ge e 7 7 M Mi in ni im mu um m b ba at tt te er ry y w we ei ig gh ht t 8 8 M Ma ax xi im mu um m b ba at tt te er ry y w we ei ig gh ht...

Страница 36: ...r r s s s se ea at t 6 6 E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l s sy ys st te em m h ho oo od d 7 7 B Ba al ll la as st t w we ei ig gh ht t 8 8 C Ch has ass sis is bu bui ilt lt i in n ba batt tte erypac ryp...

Страница 37: ...ulic c att attach achmen ments ts con contro trol l lev lever er jo joy y stick stick 11 11 Hy Hydra drauli ulic c att attach achmen ments ts con contro trol l lev lever er jo joy y stic stick k opera...

Страница 38: ...d 4 4 N Neu eutr tralwa alwarn rnin ing g li lig ght re ht red d n no o fu func ncti tion on 5 5 Er Erro ror r in in el elec ectr tric ical al co cont ntro roll ller er or or in inte tegr grat ated e...

Страница 39: ...cator or lig light ht green green The gree The green direction indicator light on n direction indicator light on forklif forklift t trucks with lighting equipment is used to trucks with lighting equi...

Страница 40: ...ghts s up up As As the the rechargeabl rechargeable battery e battery continues to disc continues to discharge harge re remai mainin ning g cap capaci acity ty of of the the bat batter tery y 2 20 0 t...

Страница 41: ...ndicator dicator light light ashes ashes and and pro provi vides des inf inform ormati ation on on on whe whethe ther r al all l co condi nditi tions ons for for dep depres ressu suris risat ation ion...

Страница 42: ...the e fo fork rkli lift ft tr truc uck k Dis Displa play y uni unit t 3 34 4 O Op pe er ra at ti in ng g I In ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on ns s 3 33 35 5 8 80 01 1 1 17 70 01 1 E EN N 0 04 4 2 20 01 14...

Страница 43: ...4 4 Operation Operation https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 44: ...belt Hydraulics Hydraulics Ch Chec eck k th the e oi oil l le leve vel l in in th the e oi oil l ta tank nk of of th the e wo work rkin ing g an and d st stee eeri ring ng hy hydr drau auli lic c sy...

Страница 45: ...back The lock handle 2 should be pulled back as fa as far r as as pos possi sibl ble e Whe When n the the ov overh erhead ead gua guard rd has hasbee been n rel releas eased ed it it is is on only ly...

Страница 46: ...batt tter ery y NOTE NOTE Th The e ov over erhe head ad gu guar ard d ca cann nnot ot be be op open ened ed wh when en th the e li lift ft mas mast t is is ti tilt lted ed bac backw kward ards s St S...

Страница 47: ...r he head ad gu guar ard d in in th the e di dire rec cti tion on of of t the he mec mechani hani cal cal loc lock k rele release ase posi position tion 6 6 Lift the handle 6 until the second lock Lif...

Страница 48: ...f If th there ere are are no no ins instru truct ction ions s plea please conta se contact ct your your mai mainten ntenance agen ance agent t Op Op ti tiona onal l bat batte tery ry cha charge rgers...

Страница 49: ...n connect nector or 5 5 fr from om the the bat batter tery y fe femal male e co conne nnect ctor or 4 4 Pl Plug ug th the e ba batt tter ery y pl plug ug in int to o th the e ba batt tter ery y so soc...

Страница 50: ...e thebat batter tery y rat rated ed ca capa paci city ty wi will ll cau cause se th the e ba batte ttery ry li life fe to to sh shor orten ten Bat Battery tery chan change ge Batt Battery ery chan cha...

Страница 51: ...The he tr truck uck mu must st be be st stat atio iona nary ry on on th the e gr grou ound nd Pul Pull l the hand bra the hand brake ke Pr Pres ess s th the e eme emerge rgency ncy off off swi switc t...

Страница 52: ...hook hook to to the the battery battery Place the battery to one Place the battery to one side after lifting it side after lifting it away away from from the the chas chassis sis Pr Pre e us use e da...

Страница 53: th the e driver s seat driver s seat Slide the driver s seat to nd the best Slide the driver s seat to nd the best operating position relative to the operating position relative to the steering ste...

Страница 54: ...o For r th the e dr drive iver r s s ca cab b to to com compl plet etel ely y co compl mply y wit with h dr drive iver r sa safe fety ty sys system tems s th the e ve vehic hicle le do door ors s ri r...

Страница 55: ...r min ming g an an em emer erge genc ncy y sto stop p Pr Pres ess s th the e em emer erge genc ncy y of off f sw swit itch ch Press the emergency off switch 1 and Press the emergency off switch 1 and...

Страница 56: ...d ar are e on only ly ap appl plica icabl ble e to to sit situa uati tion ons s in in whi which ch th the e tr truck uckmu must st sur surmou mount nt smal small l obs obstacl tacles es or or whe whe...

Страница 57: ...Insert key 1 and turn clockwise as far e as far as as possible possible When the When the chronograp chronograph h startin starting g indicat indicator or 10 10 as ashes hes it it show shows s that t...

Страница 58: directio original direction n accelerat accelerator or pedal pedal Dep Depres ress s the the opp oppos osite ite directi direction on accelerat accelerator or pedal The truck will pedal The truck w...

Страница 59: ...lo slope pes s with higher gradients please rst consult your with higher gradients please rst consult your dealer The gradabilities given in the type sheet dealer The gradabilities given in the type s...

Страница 60: ...draulic when working the steering or working hydraulic equipment equipment NOTE NOTE Th The e di dire rect ctio ion n co cont ntro rol l le leve ver r 4 4 mu must st be be in in th the e neut neutral...

Страница 61: ...7 ala alarm rm lig light ht all all ot other her ala alarm lig rm lights wi hts will ll go go out out af after ter app approx roxim imat ately ely 2 2 sec second onds s NOTE NOTE The joystick and or a...

Страница 62: ...elease the Release the original directio original direction n accelerat accelerator or pedal pedal Pull the direction co Pull the direction control lever 1 in the ntrol lever 1 in the opposite opposit...

Страница 63: ...tem tem Hydrostat Hydrostatic steering enables ic steering enables the steering the steering wheel to be moved with only a very small wheel to be moved with only a very small amo amount unt of of fo f...

Страница 64: incre crease aseth the e ri risk sk of of ac accid ciden ents ts an and d lo loss ss of of li life fe Therefore only use the oil speci ed by the manu Therefore only use the oil speci ed by the man...

Страница 65: ...g sho shoul uld d be be car carri ried ed ou out t at at slo slow w sp spee eeds ds on roads without other vehicles Depressing the on roads without other vehicles Depressing the br brak ake e pe peda...

Страница 66: cont ntro rol l le leve ver r joystick joystick Op Opera eratin ting g th the e lif lift t mas mast t and and att attach achmen ments ts us usin ing g th the e ce cent ntra rali lise sed d co cont...

Страница 67: ...f lifting ting and and til tiltin ting g Ti Tilt ltin ing g th the e li lift ft ma mast st fo forw rwar ards ds Pu Push sh th the e co cont ntro rol l le leve ver r 1 1 Til Tiltin ting g th the e lif...

Страница 68: ...acity after install installing the attachment ing the attachment An attachment An attachment ope operat rating ing not notic ice e sho should uld als also o be be at attac tached hed to to th the e ba...

Страница 69: ...plac ace e th them em be betw twee een n th the e li lift ft ma mast st an and d th the e tr truc uck k The The contro control l lever lever must b must be op e operatin erating smo g smoothly othly...

Страница 70: ...l equipment equipment pur pur ch chas ased ed by by th the e us user er an and d in inst stal alle led d on onto toth the e tr truc uck k for for exam example ple lat lateral eral fork forks s cla cla...

Страница 71: ...terms of load capacity and stability guaranteed in terms of load capacity and stability afte after r ins install tallatio ation n of of the the atta attachm chment ent Wor Workin king g spo spotl tli...

Страница 72: the the sw swit itch ch dow down n co compl mplete etely ly to to sw swit itch ch th the e fro front nt win windsc dscree reen n wip wipers ers to to co conti ntinuo nuous us Tu Turn rnin ing g on...

Страница 73: ...n the s the steeri teering wh ng wheel eel forw forwards ards or or back backward wards s to to ma make ke th the e ri righ ght t or or le left ft tu turn rnin ing g li ligh ght t a ash sh Hor Horn n...

Страница 74: ...emerge rgenc ncy y of off f swi switc tch h After After disassembling disassembling the the co cover plate s 4 ver plate s 4 mounting screws disassem mounting screws disassemble the elec ble the elec...

Страница 75: ...F5 5 5 A 5 A 8 80 0 V V 5 5 Me Mete ter r F F4 4 5 5 A 3 A 32V 2V 6 6 Tr Tran ansf sfor orme mer r F F3 3 10 10A A 80 80 V V 7 7 Ma Mas ste ter r c con ontr trol ol c cir irc cui uit t F F2 2 15 15 A...

Страница 76: ...9 9F1 F15 5 20 20 A A 6 6 Ra Radi diat ator or 9 9F1 F16 6 20 20 A A Be Befo fore re loa loadin ding g Please see the load diagram before lifting Please see the load diagram before lifting goods 1 go...

Страница 77: ...agonal line for a lift intersects with the diagonal line for a lift hei height ght of of 600 6000m 0mm m Th The e re read adin ing g at at th the e po poin int t wh wher ere e th the e or ordi dina na...

Страница 78: or or be bein ing g hi hit t WARNING WARNING Lift the goods Lift the goods and make sure that and make sure that they are within they are within the load range of the truck to avoid toppling and th...

Страница 79: ...ds the damage to the packaging of the goods the pallet pallet etc Responsibili etc Responsibility ty for for the the safe safe loading loading of the goods lies with the transportation of the goods li...

Страница 80: ...truck ck Be Befor fore e exi exiti ting ng the the tr truck uck Unload the goods and lower the fork car Unload the goods and lower the fork car riage riage Ti Tilt lt th the li e lift ft mas mast t f...

Страница 81: ...Towing ng regul regulati ations ons Towi Towing ng regul regulatio ations ns Wh When enth the e tr truc uck k ne need eds s to tobe bemo move ved d a a to tow w ro rope pe or rod can be attached to t...

Страница 82: ...rr rry y th the e for forklif klift t tru truck ck Lo Lowe wer r th the e li lift ft ma mast st Ex Exert ert the the han hand d bra brake ke Use wooden wedges to immobilise the Use wooden wedges to im...

Страница 83: ...y lock 4 must be fastened safety lock 4 must be fastened The sling must The sling must not touch the overhead guard rear cover or any not touch the overhead guard rear cover or any other equipment ins...

Страница 84: ...t at le least ast36 3600 00kil kilog ogra rams ms CAUTION CAUTION A conductor A conductor belt must belt must be installed be installed on the on the forklift forklift wh when en an anti ti sta static...

Страница 85: ...Remo move ve th the e tr trac acti tion on pi pin n 1 1 Re Remo move ve th the e co cove ver r on on ei eith ther er th the e ri righ ght t or or le left ft si side de of of th the e fr fron ont t en...

Страница 86: ...ratures between 32 C and 40 C Park the truck outside the cold store Use Park the truck outside the cold store Use hy hydra drauli ulic c oil oil as as st stipu ipula lated ted in in the the mai mainte...

Страница 87: ...e The forklif The forklift t truc truck must k must not not leav leave the co e the cold st ld store fo ore for r long longer er than 10 minute as this length of time is not than 10 minute as this le...

Страница 88: ...res es Br Brin ingi ging ng th the e fo fork rkli lift ft tr truc uck k ba back ck in into to us use e Cle Clean an the the fo fork rklif lift t tr truck uck tho thorou roughl ghly y Lub Lubric ricat...

Страница 89: extr extreme e eme envi nvi ronment ronment such such as as excessi excessive hea ve heat ex t excessi cessive ve cold or cold or areas w areas with hi ith high dust gh dust concentrat concentratio...

Страница 90: ...quipped with equipped with collection devices and separators for collection devices and separators for leaking uids and leaking uids and degreasing cleaning degreasing cleaning mat materia erials ls S...

Страница 91: ...8 82 2 O Op pe er ra at ti in ng g I In ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on ns s 3 33 35 5 8 80 01 1 1 17 70 01 1 E EN N 0 04 4 2 20 01 14 4 5 5 Maintenance Maintenance https www forkliftpdfmanuals com...

Страница 92: ...f over 6 months please consul months please consult the t the manuf manufact acturer urer for for rele relevant vant info informat rmation ion Re Resu sumi ming ng us use e of of th the e fo fork rkli...

Страница 93: ...locatio locations and orde ns and order number r numbers s pl plea ease se see seethe thespa spare re pa part rts s cat catalo alogu gue e ENVI ENVIRON RONMENT MENT NOTE NOTE Plea Please se comp compl...

Страница 94: ...ry male male conn connecto ector r Th The e tru truck ck mus must t be be swi switc tched hed of off f com compl plete etely ly Apply Apply the the parking parking brake brake Or Ordin dinary ary dup...

Страница 95: ...r is isin inst stal alled ledont onto o the theli lift ftabl able e inne inner r mast mast Se Secu curi ring ng th the e f ful ull l fr free ee li lif ft t du dupl plex ex ma mast st duri during ng l...

Страница 96: ...hain ains s Watch out for the hose Watch out for the hose lines on the cross lines on the cross bea beam m of of th the e out outer er mas mast t Lower the mast until it is supported by the Lower the...

Страница 97: ...nly Onlyuse use app approv roved ed hydr hydraul aulic ic oil oil Only Onlythe the foll followi owing ng types of hydraulic oil have been approved by the types of hydraulic oil have been approved by t...

Страница 98: ...ed oi oil l sh shou ould ld be be fa far r aw away ay fr from om ch chil ildr dren en be be fo fore re bei being ng dis discar carded ded ac acco cordi rding ng to to reg regul ulati ations ons Do no...

Страница 99: ...stic ic so soft ftwar ware e Redu Reducti ction on gear gearbox box Che Check ck whe wheth ther er th the e sp speed eed red reduc uctio tion n gea gearbo rbox x is is lea leaki king ng Che Check ck...

Страница 100: ...As req requi uired red Cl Clean t ean the po he power wer mo modul dules es of of the t the trac racti tion an on and lif d lift t co contr ntrol ol th the e fan fans s and and the the hea heat t si s...

Страница 101: ...rating requirements but maintenance should be s but maintenance should be carried out according to this carried out according to this main maintena tenance pl nce plan at an at leas least t ever every...

Страница 102: at th the e la late test st af afte ter r 10 100 0 ho hour urs s As As requ required ired W Wheel heel chan change ge Che Check ck th the e rel releas ease e of of the the mul multi ti di disc sc b...

Страница 103: ...00op ope e rating hours rating hours Loa Load d li lift ft sy syst stem em Che Check ck the theco condi nditi tion on ti tight ghtnes ness s and andfu funct nctio ion n of of the theli lift ft mas mas...

Страница 104: of The oil level must reach the lower edge of th the e oi oil l le level vel plu plug ho g hole Ple le Please ase l ll l up up wit with ge h gear ar lubr lubricat icating ing oil oil if if nece nec...

Страница 105: ...pump pump motor motor NOTE NOTE The The electri electrical cal system and wire terminals system and wire terminals should be prote should be protected from moisture damage cted from moisture damage Wa...

Страница 106: ...r drai ain n pl plug ug 3 3 an and d co compl mplete etely ly dra drain in the the gea gear r oi oil l Cl Clea ean n th the e ma magn gnet et on on th the e oi oil l dr drai ain n pl plug ug 3 3 Rei R...

Страница 107: ...s areas Place a container under the oil drain plug Place a container under the oil drain plug 3 3 Remove the oil level plug 1 the oil drain Remove the oil level plug 1 the oil drain plug 3 and the ll...

Страница 108: chassis speed s speed reduction gearbox over reduction gearbox over he head ad gu guar ard d an and d th the e st stee eeri ring ng ax axle le Ti Tight ghten en lo loose ose nut nuts s and and sc s...

Страница 109: ...system ystem Dr Driv iver er ca cab b do door or lo lock cks s an and d hi hing nges es Opt Optiona ional l part part Ch Chec ecki king ng th the e st stat atus us of of th the e an anti ti s sta tat...

Страница 110: ...nde dealer Linde dealer Cl Clea ean n th the e ma main in br brak ake e oi oil l cy cyli lind nder er an and d br brak ake e pa pads ds wi with th co comp mpre ress ssed ed ai air r an and d ch chec e...

Страница 111: ...n depressing the brake pedal a gap of 3 millimetres must be maintained between 3 millimetres must be maintained between the lower edge of the brake pedal and the the lower edge of the brake pedal and...

Страница 112: ...ase the accelerator pedal 1or 3 dal 1or 3 when moving The pedal will when moving The pedal will return to the return to the neutral position and the tr neutral position and the truck will brake uck wi...

Страница 113: ...eering cylinder t ylinder through hrough the right the right and left inject and left injection nozzles show ion nozzles shown n by the arrow by the arrow Lubricate with a grease gun until the Lubrica...

Страница 114: ...n braking perfor aking perfor mance mance will r will result esult Use the correct brake uid according to recom Use the correct brake uid according to recom me mend nded ed oi oil l ty type pes If s I...

Страница 115: ...Disasse Disassemble the mble the oil drai oil drain plug 2 lling n plug 2 lling plug 1 plug 1 Com Compl plete etely ly dra drain in the the bra brake ke u uid id Cl Clea ean n th the e oi oil l dr dra...

Страница 116: ...2 Bowden ca cabl bles es 1 1 an and d sp spri ring ngs s 3 3 Lub Lubric ricat ate e th the e st steer eering ing cu cut o t out ut 5 5 Use Molikote G synthetic grease to Use Molikote G synthetic grea...

Страница 117: ...nne nnect ctio ions ns NOTE NOTE Oxi Oxidis dised ed and and rus rusted ted co conne nnect ction ions s and and bro broken ken cables will lead to a cables will lead to a drop in drop in voltage causi...

Страница 118: ...les s Ti Tilt lt th the lif e lift t ma mast st forward sli forward slightly ghtly The truck The truck mus must t ful fully ly st stati atio onary nary Apply Apply the the hand hand brake brake Pre P...

Страница 119: ...nta ontacto ctor r cont contac acts and replace ts and replace if necessary the contacts if necessary the contacts cannot be re cannot be re pair paired ed Ple Please ase cont contact act your your Li...

Страница 120: ...uge e 2 2 Us Use e a a cl clea ean n cl clot oth h to to dr dry y th the e oi oil l ga gaug uge e Comp Complet letely ins ely insert ert the ai the air r lt lter er and dip and dipsti stick ck on onc...

Страница 121: g th the e a air ir pr pres essu sure re an and d suct suction ion lte lters rs ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT NOTE NOTE Fo Foll llow ow th the e re regu gula lati tion ons s fo for r th the e sa safe fe...

Страница 122: ...ou out t th the e l lte ter r in inse sert rt 4 4 Check the O ring on the lter cover and Check the O ring on the lter cover and repl replace if ace if dama damaged ged In Inst stall all th the e new n...

Страница 123: ...hood d an and d lo lock ck se secu cure rely ly wi with th th the e cl clam amp p nu nut t Perform a trial run to check that the lter Perform a trial run to check that the lter hoo hood d is is pro p...

Страница 124: ...the hydraulic oil The capacity of the hydraulic oil tank is tank is approxim approximately ately 11 0litr 11 0litres es Carefully insta Carefully install the new ll the new suctio suction lter into n...

Страница 125: ...ttention to the area around the chain attention to the area around the chain wheels wheels Ch Chec eck k th that at th the e ch chai ain n x xed ed p pins ins are are se secur cure e Repl Replace ace...

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Страница 131: ...4205 470 2 2 2 3 2 3 Ax Axle le loa load d wit withou hout t loa load d fro front nt rea rear r kg kg 1550 1520 1550 1520 2 2 Wheels Wheels 3 1 3 1 Tyre Tyres s SE SE sol solid id ty tyre res s P P i...

Страница 132: ...Turning Turning radius radius W Wa a mm mm 15 1512 122 2 4 36 4 36 Minimum d Minimum distance istance from turni from turning centreli ng centreline to body ne to body centreline centreline l l7 7 mm...

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Страница 134: ...70 560 4270 560 2 2 2 3 2 3 Axle Axle lo load ad wit withou hout t lo load ad fr front ont r rear ear kg kg 1675 1550 1675 1550 2 2 Wheels Wheels 3 1 3 1 Tyre Tyres s SE SE sol solid id ty tyres res P...

Страница 135: ...urning Turning radius radius W Wa a mm mm 18 1878 78 2 2 4 36 4 36 Minimum Minimum distanc distance from turn e from turning centre ing centreline to bo line to body dy centreline centreline l l7 7 mm...

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Страница 137: ...4910 680 2 2 2 3 2 3 Ax Axle le loa load d wit withou hout t loa load d fro front nt rea rear r kg kg 1670 1880 1670 1880 2 2 Wheels Wheels 3 1 3 1 Tyre Tyres s SE SE sol solid id ty tyre res s P P i...

Страница 138: ...urning Turning radius radius W Wa a mm mm 19 1900 002 2 4 36 4 36 Minimum d Minimum distance istance from turni from turning centreli ng centreline to body ne to body centreline centreline l l7 7 mm m...

Страница 139: mm mm E E1 16 6C C E E1 16 6C C E E2 20 0P P Lift Lift heig heights hts h 3 2 h 3 28 85 50 0 3 30 05 50 0 3 32 25 50 0 3 38 85 50 0 4 42 25 50 0 4 48 85 50 0 5 56 65 50 0 Total height when lift Tot...

Страница 140: ta Triple Triple li lift ft ma mas st t in in mm mm E E1 16 6C C E E1 16 6C C E E2 20 0P P Max Maximu imum m hei height ght whe when n li lift ft mas mast t is is wor worki king ng h h 4 4 4 46 6...
