Arc Voltage, Power or STT Background Current
based on the selected weld mode. For example,
when a non-synergic STT weld mode is selected,
the left and right joystick positions will adjust
Background Current. When a Power mode is
selected, the left and right joystick positions will
adjust the Power (kW).
When P.25 is set to “Trim/etc.”, the left
and right joystick positions will select a user memory
while not welding and adjust
Trim/Voltage/Power/STT Background Current while
When P.25 is set to “Procedure A/B”, the left and
right joystick positions will be used to select
procedure A and B, while welding and while not
welding. The left joystick position selects procedure
A, the right joystick position selects procedure B.
Show Memory LED?
On user interfaces that support user memories but do
not have dedicated user memory buttons, this parameter
is used to show or hide the LED that is used to select a
user memory to save to or recall from. When P.26 is set
to Yes, the user memory LED will be shown and the
operator can save to and recall from user memories.
When P.26 is set to No, the user memory LED will not
be shown, preventing the operator from saving to and
recalling from user memories.
Diagnostic Parameters
Sense from Studs
Use this parameter for diagnostic purposes only. When
power is cycled, P.80 is automatically reset to False.
False = Sensing for the electrode (67) and work (21)
is determined by the DIP switches of the system.
True = Sensing for the electrode (67) and work (21)
is measured at the studs of the power source and
the DIP switch settings are overridden.
P.82. Voltage Sense Display
Allows viewing of Voltage Sense Lead Selection to aid in
troubleshooting. The configuration is displayed as a text
string on the MSP display whenever the output is
enabled. This parameter is not saved on a power cycle,
but will be reset to False.
Show Test Modes
Many weld tables include special modes for testing and
servicing the welding system. Set this parameter to YES
to show all test modes. When the power source is
turned off, the Show Test Modes parameter
automatically reverts back to "NO".
P.100 View Diagnostics
Diagnostics are only used for servicing the Power Wave
Yes = Shows P.101 through P.500 in the SETUP
No = Only P.0 through P.100 are shown in the
SETUP menu.
P.101 Event Logs
Press the right MSP4 button to view the Event Logs.
Rotate the encoder to select the object to read and then
press the right MSP4 button. Various software
information will appear about key system events. Press
the left MSP4 button to exit.
P.102 Fatal Logs
Press the right MSP4 button to view the Fatal Logs.
Rotate the encoder to select the module to read and
then press the right MSP4 button. Various software
information will appear about critical module actions.
Press the left MSP4 button to exit.
P.103 Software Version
Press the right MSP4 button to view the software loaded
into each module (p.c. board). Rotate the encoder to
select the module to read and then press the right MSP4
button. The panel will display the main software version
loaded into the module. Press the left MSP4 button to
P.104 View Hardware Version Information
Used for viewing the hardware version for each board in
the system. Press the right MSP Button to enter the
option. Rotate Set knob to select the desired board to
read. Press the right button again to read the hardware
version. Press the left button to back out to select
another board. Press the left button again to exit this
P.105 View Welding Software Information
Used for viewing the Weld Set in the Power Source.
Press the right MSP Button to read the Weld Set
version. Press the left button to back out and exit this
P.106 View Ethernet IP Address
Used for viewing the Ethernet Network IP address if
there is an Ethernet board present in the system. Press
the right MSP Button to read the IP Address. Press the
left button to back out and exit this option. The IP
address cannot be changed using this option.
P.107 View Power Source Protocol
Used for viewing the type of power source the feeder is
connected to. Press the right MSP Button to identify the
power source as either LincNet or ArcLink. Press the
left button to back out and exit this option.
Secured Parameters accessible through Power
Wave Manager only
P.500 View Lockout Parameters
Originally used to prevent inadvertent changes of secure
setup parameters, P.500 was previously used as a
gateway to these parameters. Presently, this option
does not exist in any setup menu.
P.501 Encoder Lockout
Locks one or both of the upper knobs (encoders),
preventing the operator from changing wire feed speed,
amps, volts or trim. The function of each upper knob
depends on the selected weld mode. When a constant
current weld mode is selected (e.g. Stick, TIG, Gouge),
the upper right knob will always function as an on/off
switch. This parameter can only be accessed using
Weld Manager or Power Wave Manager software.
P.502 Memory Change Lockout
Determines if the memories can be overwritten with new
No = Memories can be saved and limits can be
configured (default).
Yes = Memories cannot be changed - saving is
prohibited and limits cannot be re-configured.