Parameter Name
Description Range
P.512 USB
This setting is used to enable and disable which USB options can be used on
the feeder. Available selec- tions are as follows:
(1) No Options = No USB options will be available for use. P.37 will not be
available, and the USB prompt will be disabled.
(2) Load/Save Mems & P-Nums, Create Key (All Options) = All USB options
will be available for use in P.37 and the USB prompt (if enabled)
(3) Load/Save Mems & P-Nums Only = Only the Load and Save User
Memories and P-Numbers options will be available for use in P.37 and the
USB prompt (if enabled).
(4) Create Key Only = Only the Create USB Key option will be available in P.37
and the USB prompt (if enabled).
This parameter can only be accessed using Power Wave Manager software.
P.513 USB
This setting enables and disables the USB prompt. If enabled, the USB prompt
will appear whenever a USB drive is plugged into the system (the prompt is the
same as P.37).
This parameter can only be accessed using Power Wave Manager software.
USB Key Lock
This setting turns on and off the USB-Key lock on a feeder.
When the feeder is locked, all encoders and buttons on the UI are disabled,
Cold-Inch and Gas Purge are dis- abled, and the feeder will not weld. Other
feeders connected to the same Power Source will not be affected.
The only way to unlock the feeder is to plug a "USB Key" into the system. The
key is a USB drive that has the correct .key file in its "Lincoln\Keys" directory. A
USB drive can be turned into a key by using the "Create USB Key" option in
P.37 on the feeder, or by creating the key through PowerWave Manager
(future feature).
A .key file is specific to a feeder and the USB drive. A .key file that works on
one feeder will not work on another feeder. A .key file that works on one USB
drive will not work on another USB drive. A USB drive can have multiple .key
files, making it a "USB Key" for multiple feeders.
This parameter can only be accessed using Power Wave Manager software.