The memory value must always be less than or equal to
the high limit, and greater than or equal to the low limit.
After setting limits, press the memory button with the
number. The display will ask to save or discard the limit
changes just made. Press the left button (YES) to save
and enable the limits and exit. Press the right button
(NO) to exit and leave limits unchanged.
Enabling/Disabling Limits
Limits for each memory may be enabled or disabled
by pressing and hold the appropriate memory button
for 10 seconds. Release the memory button when the
display shows “Memory x Limits Enable / Disable”
A. Press 10 seconds to enable/disable limits
If the passcode does not equal zero, enter the passcode
now. If the passcode is zero (0000), SETUP will light and
the display will show:
Press the left button (YES) to enable limits or the right
button (NO) to disable limits. Disabling limits does not
change any limits values that may have been previously
Usb Operation
The USB port may be used to load and store memories.
Memories are stored on the USB device as set of 8
(single head) or 16 (dual head) memories. The memory
set may be given a custom name by renaming the file on
a computer.
When a USB device is plugged in, the display will
momentarily show “USB Device Connected!”. The
display will then enter the USB prompt, if enabled
through P.513 (the prompt is enabled by default).
To load memories from the USB:
1. Enter the set-up menu, scroll to P.37 and hit the
right button (if not in the USB prompt)
2. Select “Load Mems/P-Nums” with the right button
3. Scroll to and select the desired memory set with the
right button
4. Scroll to and select what to load from the file.
Options are:
a) Load all: This will load user memories and set-
up menu options to the PF84
b) Load Mems Only: This will load only user
memories to the PF84
c) Load P-Nums Only: This will only load set-up
menu options to the PF84
Note: If the memory file was saved on a dual-head
PF84, and it is being loaded to a single-head PF84, the
user memories from Head 1 of the dual-head PF84 will
be loaded to the single-head of the PF84. If the memory
file was saved on a single-head PF84, and it is being
loaded to a dual-head PF84, the user memories from the
single-head PF84 will be loaded to Head 1 of the dual-
head PF84.
To save memories to the USB:
1. Enter the set-up menu, scroll to P.37 and hit the
right button (if not in the USB prompt)
2. Scroll to and select “Save Mems/P-Nums” with the
right button
3. Wait for the save to complete. The file name will be
displayed while the save occurs.
Note that when memories are saved, the memories
include information about limits and 2-step/4-step trigger.