– 8 –
6. Slide handle into position and secure by turning the lock-
ing screw in until it is tight. The threaded end of the
screw will then pass against the inside of the handle and
the head of the screw will be completely inside the han-
Attaching Work Cable to Clamp
Insert work cable through strain relief hole in work clamp
and fasten securely with bolt and nut provided.
Electrode and Work Cable Replacement
Substitution of cables with larger sizes requiring connec-
tions to be made internally is not recommended.
Connections for additional lengths or larger sizes should be
properly made externally. Lincoln Electric QD (Quick
Disconnect) connectors are available for this purpose.
If either cable requires replacement for other reasons, they
should be replaced with the appropriate Lincoln parts—
and only by qualified personnel.
Welding Current Selection
Each position on the current selector switch is marked with
the output amperes for that setting. Turn the switch to the
current required for each application.
There is a slight amount of play in each switch position. It
is good practice to move the switch back and forth once
within this play after switching to a new position. This wip-
ing action keeps the contacts free from dirt and oxides.
Duty Cycle
The AC-235 is rated for 20% duty cycle on all switch posi-
tions except maximum (235 amps). At 235 amps the duty
cycle is 18%. A 20% duty cycle means that the arc can be
drawn for 2 minutes out of each ten minute period. An 18%
duty cycle means that the arc can be drawn for 1.8 minutes
out of each ten minute period. If the welding time is longer
than this for several successive ten minute periods, the
windings may overheat and be damaged. Be sure to leave
the unit “on” for each 10 minute period to let the fan motor
run for adequate cooling. Overheating reduces welder life.
Electrode Selection Guide
See Chart on Welder and at the end of this manual
Arc Torch (Optional Accessory)
The arc torch (see page 18) is especially suited for use on
these welders for brazing, welding non-ferrous metals and
preheating before bending and forming.
Routine preventative maintenance is not required. See your
local Lincoln Electric Authorized Field Service Shop for
necessary repairs.
Important Safety Note: Make sure insulation is secure and
that screws are tight and cannot be touched. If screw can
be touched, DO NOT USE HOLDER, contact your dis-
Do not turn the selector switch while welding as this will
damage the contacts.