1. DNS1 IP Address
First Domain Name Server, the IP address of the domain name server.
2. DNS2 IP Address
Second Domain Name Server, the IP address of the domain name server, a backup DNS
server for DNS1.
3. HTTP Connection Port
Advanced networking setting, in general, this network option allows multiple devices share
one IP address. Port forwarding, network address translation (NAT), and other network
technologies can utilize this option. Please refer a router's instruction manual or consult
network administrator for detail.
Chapter 7-3-2.
DHCP Setting
Router, gateway, or other software DHCP servers can dynamically assign an IP address to
PIH-036/038IP. There is no need to configure IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. Since
the DHCP may assign a different IP address to PIH-036/038IP after power off, a user can use
IPScan utility to launch Internet browser for searching PIH-036/038IP. To enable DHCP, click
on DHCP option and click on Submit button.
Note : Once the DHCP option gets enable, PIH-036/038IP uses IP address from DHCP
server instead of the IP address assigned by IP Settings. This feature allows only
in LAN.
Chapter 7-3-3.
PPPoE Settings
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is an Internet protocol that is capable of
receiving dynamic global (static) IP address from an ISP. This protocol allows to switch to
another global IP address to maintain the Internet connection due to expiration of an global
IP address based on ISP's IP distribution's policy.
Primary purpose of adopting PPPoE can avoid the fee of leasing global IP address. Please
consult your local ISP for this service. To use PPPoE, please provide account and password
information for the service.
Chapter 7-3-4.
DDNS Settings
DNS stands for domain name server, which provides domain name translation service for a
device's IP. Basically, domain name is easier to remember than numeric values (IP). DNS
service requires service registration and subscription. DynDNS (DDNS) provides domain
name service without subscription. Please logon www.dyndns.org and register for the service.
To use DDNS, please enter DDNS server, account ID, and password to logon to the server.
Click on Submit button to perform the task. The DDNS message box shows the connection
status sent by DynDNS server, after PIH-036/038IP establishes network connection with
DDNS Server.