NOTE: If there is interference in terms of radio
communication, the Radiator Valve continues to
regulate the temperature autonomously, in
accordance with the most recent specifications made
by the Room Thermostat.
NOTE: If the batteries in a radio energy-saving
controller have been replaced, it can take up to 11/2
hours until the actuator starts to receive data from
the Room Thermostat again and switches to "ECF"
Comfort and Set-back Temperatures
The comfort/set-back temperature button
provides an easy and convenient way of switching
between these two temperatures. The factory
settings are 21.0°C and 17.0°C respectively. To adapt
them, proceed as follows:
1. Press and hold down the comfort/set-back
temperature button for more than 3 seconds.
2. The sun symbol will appear on the display
along with the current comfort temperature.
3. Use the arrow buttons to modify the temperature;
press OK to confirm.
4. The moon symbol will appear together with
the setback temperature.
5. Use the arrow buttons to modify the temperature;
press OK to confirm.
The temperature can even be modified in Auto mode
at any time by using this button. The new setting will
be retained until the program's next switching time.