Technical Manual
recommend hairspray or any solvents that might damage the gel grip. You may have to trim the
grips; they may be a bit too long to fit on some handlebars with certain components.
Standard placement of the shifters connects the left grip shifter to the front triple chainring. The
right grip shift controls the rear derailleur on bikes, or the mid-frame derailleur on trikes and
quadracycles. On trikes and quadracycles, the thumb shifter controls the rear derailleur.
If an internal hub gearing system is used, then the right grip shift will control the internal hub in the
rear drive wheel, and the thumb shifter will control the mid-frame derailleur. This allows the most
commonly shifted gears (the internal gear hub) to be those most easily shifted, and leaves the
rarely-shifted “ranges” to be controlled by the more awkward thumb shifter.
The derailleur shifted by the thumb shifter is generally shifted only infrequently and is used to set a
"range" of operation such as low range, medium or high range.
Try to keep the length of the cable housing as short as possible, however; do not make tight bends
in the housing. Zip ties can be used to tie loose sections of cable to the frame.
The cable "saddle" is used to activate both rear brakes as shown in Figure 3.5. Place it about 3
inches in front of the mid-frame cable saddles. Before installing it, place a patch of frame protector
in the spot it will sit. This will protect the frame from scratching and noise.
Figure 3.6. Trike shift cable arrangement