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Step By Step Instructions

Step 9

Once again, turn the treadmill back on using the main power button.
In a second or two, you should now see the LifeSpan logo on the console
screen followed by an upload screen. This screen will be black with
white text. You should see the progress change from 0% to 100% over
the course of roughly five minutes.

Step 10

Once the upload is complete and the display shows the standby screen,
go to the treadmill’s Engineering Mode by pressing the bright dot again in
the bottom left-hand corner of the console screen for three seconds.

Step 11

Once you see the engineering screen, press the “UpdateMCU” button
located near the center of the screen. You should screen the Status
screen go from Status to Please Reboot Console. Proceed to Step 11
prior to rebooting.

Step 12

Re-enter the four digit BT Audio ID number you wrote down earlier in
Step 5. This is done by tapping the square box till you have reached the
desired number. Note: If you have misplaced this number, you can
relocate it by using your smartphone to scan Bluetooth devices.
