Activated Carbon Filter
HEPA Filter
Pre Filter
Factory settings
1. 控制主机:点击 进入模式选择界面
Control Panel: Click to enter the mode selection screen
Power off
Auto mode: According to the realtime indoor air quality, the system auto-adjusts the wind
speed of the main unit (recommended use)
Sleep mode: Ultra-low noise operation to create a comfortable sleep environment
(Regular mode: the unit continues to run at this speed)
Strong wind mode: runs at full speed, rapid purification
(Regular mode: fast run for 90 minutes and then automatically switches to medium speed to run).
手动模式:可手动调节主机风速 返回模式选择界面<返回监控器主页
Manual mode: You can manually adjust the wind speed of the main unit
click to return to mode selection interface
click to return to main page of smart controller
注意: 在主机为白灯且允许主机触控时,触摸主机触摸环会改变风速,使控制模式进入“手动”,但5分钟后会自动恢复“智能”。如想全手动控制主机风速,可在监控器的 手动模
Note: Touching the main unit surface allows you to change wind speed manually, which lasts 5 minutes before it automatically resumes “auto mode”. If you want full manual control
for wind speed, you can turn the smart controller into manual mode. If your smart controller is disconnected from the main unit , the power/status light will turn green. The main unit will
maintain its manual setting, therefore the fan will not switch back to "auto" mode. We do not recommend that the main unit operates in "manual" mode, because it will cause unnecessary
energy waste and extra filter usage.
2. 点击监控器上的 可设置监控器功能
Click on the monitor,You can set the function
点击 滤芯→进入滤芯监测界面
Click Filter → enter the filter monitoring interface
Please clean or replace the filters when the percentage approaches 5%.
After cleaning or replacing the filter, please click "Reset" and confirm, in order to
restart the smart monitoring system.
3. 滤芯监测
How to check Filter status
4. 时钟显示/调整
The clock display / adjustment
注意: 当监控器连接WiFi网络后,时间自动按网络时间准确自动设定,包括自动按当地时区自动调整。
Note: When the smart controller is connected to a WiFi network, the time automatically sets according to network time, including automatic
adjustment to the local time zone. Recommended use.
The smart controller is the core of this intelligent system. Please ensure that it is constantly
paired with the main unit.
The use of smart controller
The smart controller is the core of intelligent control, it should as far as possible online
pairing with the main unit.
The use of smart controller
背光亮度 : 低 → 较暗模式;高 → 较亮模式。两种模式下均受光线传感器根据环境亮度自动调整。
Backlight Brightness: Low → dark mode; high → bright mode. In both modes, light sensor automatically adjusts the
brightness according to the environment.
标准选择 : 根据需要选择空气质量标准( 国标或美国标准 )来作为控制净化器工作的标准。选择美国标准,
AQI Standard : Select the air quality standard from between International or US standards. If you select U.S.
standard, the purifier works more efficiently at night.
语言设置: 中 → 选择中文显示;Eng → 选择英文显示
Language settings: → Chinese language; →English language
APP控制权 : 允许或禁止手机APP操作主机, 禁止状态时, 手机APP只能查看,不能控制。
APP Function : Allows complete control of air purifier or can be used for display only. If you choose display
format, you will not be able to control the unit through your phone.
智能开窗检测 : 打开或关闭智能开窗检测的功能。 打开后, 主机的工作模式将受开窗状态控制, 以达节约滤芯及
节能效果 ( 因为开窗后无论空气质量是否达标,主机运行将毫无意义 )。
ECO mode : Switches on & off the smart ventilation detection function. When switched to ECO mode, close
the window to reduce the use of filters while saving energy.
主机触控 : 打开或关闭主机触控功能,防止他人误触。
Lock mode : Switches on & off the touch function. Lock mode prevent others from touching inadvertently.
夜灯 : 打开或关闭夜灯功能。如打开此功能, 在22:00 - 06:00时间段内,监控器插上电源适配器的
Night Light : Switches on& off night light function. If you turn on this function between 22:00 - 06:00
when connected to power, the screen will display high-intensity illumination for 3 minutes
恢复出厂设置 : 点击确认后,监控器各项设定将恢复出厂设置且WiFi网络将会断开 。
Factory settings : Click confirmation, the smart controller settings will be restored to factory settings and the WiFi
internet networks will be disconnected.
传感器校零 : 请根据屏幕提示进行传感器的校零工作,以保证传感器的准确度。
Sensor Calibration : Perform sensor test according to the screen tips to ensure the accuracy of the sensor.
① 在有外接电源情况下,长时间无操作时(约60秒),或短按监控器开/关机键,屏幕自动显示时间(在电池
供电时,屏幕熄灭时不显示时间)。如开启夜灯功能,在22:00 06:00,触摸屏幕,屏幕以白底黑字
The smart controller when plugged into the power automatically displays the time like a screensaver.
Alternatively, press the on/off button to display the time. (When using the battery power, the screen
does not display the time). The backlight / night light function runs from 22:00 06:00 on the touchscreen
and the display shows the clock in white background and black colour words for three minutes.
② 在时钟显示界面,点击画面右侧的 ,可手动设置时间,设置完成后,点击 保存当前时间设置
In the clock display screen, click on the right side of the screen, you can manually set the time,
after the setup is completed, click to save the current time setting.