Clicking in “Authentication token” link, a new window will be shown with the tokens generated in the Loriot application.
To create a new one, just click on “Generate another authentication token” button, and a new record will be created in the table.
Finally, copy the full URL hitting on “Show full URL” and paste the URL in this parameter of the service configuration file.
Figure : Generating an application token
The URL to access to the Loriot service in your server previously configured. (http://my_server.com/services/
13.3. Start the web-socket connection
This platform requires an additional step, starting the process that establish the connection to the Loriot server in order to
receive and send information in all nodes.
Open a SSH connection to the web server in a terminal, navigate to the Loriot service folder, in your_
. Execute this command:
nohup nodejs websocket.js >>../../logs/loriot.log 2>&1 &
to create the web-socket communication. Kill this process to close the web-socket communication channel.