Understanding LoRa
15.5. For what applications is NOT LoRa a good option?
Definitely, LoRa is not suitable for projects which require high data-rate and/or very frequent transmissions (e.g., each 10
Also, LoRa is probably not suitable for highly populated networks. Anyway, it depends on the number of nodes, and on the
number of packets per hour that each node sends.
Power consumption is a major challenge, so probably any LoRa node should be powered by a solar panel, or even better,
connected to mains electricity.
Last, we must note that due to the low bandwidth, LoRa by itself does not support Over the Air Programming (OTA), however
many of our clients use as a second radio the 3G, GPRS or WiFi modules that allow to perform OTA easily retrieving the binary
image from a FTP server in just a couple of seconds.