When the weather is above freezing, the unit can be set up to drain to the outside. Make sure
the outlet of the hose is aimed away from nearby surfaces that could be stained or damaged by
the draining water.
1. To attach the drain hose, insert the connector into the upper drain port at the back of the unit
until it snaps into place.
2. Rotate the nut cover on the window vent panel and insert the other end of the drain hose
through the hole in the window vent panel.
3. Make sure to insert the drain hose at least 8 inches.
4. Rotate the nut cover back to secure the drain hose in place.
5. Set the unit to automatic drain by pressing the Fan and Down buttons at the same time.
6. To detach the drain hose from the product, push the outer ring of the upper drain port in and
pull the connector out.
Inserting the drain hose in the unit will automatically activate the drain function.
To activate the drain manually, press the Fan and Down buttons at the same time.
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