20 Octane
Menu Tree on the Internal Screen
12. Memory
1. Save Options
1. Pictures
2. Videos
3. Sounds
4. Ringtones
2. Phone Memory
1. Memory Usage
2. My Pictures
3. My Videos
4. My Ringtones
5. My Music
6. My Sounds
7. My Contacts
8. Move All To Card
3. Card Memory
1. Memory Usage
2. My Pictures
3. My Videos
4. My Ringtones
5. My Music
6. My Sounds
7. My Contacts
8. Move All To Phone
13. Phone Info
1. My Number
2. SW/HW Version
3. Icon Glossary
1. Status
2. Home Screen
3. Media Center
4. Messaging
5. Contacts
6. Recent Calls
7. Settings & Tools
4. Software Update
1. Status
2. Check New
14. Set-up Wizard
Keyguard Settings are available
for the external screen.
1. Unlock the screen.
2. Press the
3. Press the Directional Key
left or
right to scroll to
, then
and press the
4. Select
Keyguard Timer
and press the
Key for the following options:
Always Off/ 7 Seconds/ 15
Seconds/ 30 Seconds
Unlock Options
and press the
Key for the following options:
Press Once/ Press Twice
5. Select the desired option and press
Key to set.