reHeAtIng Cooked CHIlled Foods
This microwave oven has been tested and labelled to the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) agreement,
concerning the reheating of cooked chilled food.
The heating category represents the oven’s ability to heat small quantities of food (approx. 350 g), it does not represent
the oven’s general performance. The category (from the letter A to E) will help you to reheat small quantities of food
such as microwavable ready meals. The greater the heating category of the oven, the less heating time that is required.
Displayed on the food packages will be the cooking times for each of the BAND categories. For example A may be
10 minutes. B may be 9 minutes etc depending on the food type.
Denotes the microwave oven
output power
Three wavy lines denotes oven
te sted in compliance with the
This category links with the
heating times given on food.